Chapter 48.

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Third Persons POV

An awkward silence fills the room after the line goes dead, everyone looked at Odell with pity but he didn't make eye contact with anyone. The conversation played like a loop in his head. Something didn't feel right. He had an unreadable look on his face as he processed what Demi had just said to him, it didn't sound like her, he refused to believe she would do something like that over a call when she's been missing for 3 days straight.

Max must have put her up to this.

Is what he said to himself in an effort to try and make sense of it all.

"So..." Ian drawls breaking the silence. "We weren't able fully track where the call was coming from. Do you still want to find her?"

Odell looks at him perplexed by his ridiculous question."Yes, why would I stop now?"

"She kinda just broke up with you man." One of the men Ian called for interjects.

"Did any of that sound natural to you?" He directs to everyone in the room. The other two men shrug genuinely not knowing what to make of the conversation they just heard themselves.

"No offense but she sounded pretty clear when she said, "I'm far away from you where I always want to be." But maybe it's just me that heard it."

"Repeat what you just said!" Odell quips when the gears in his head started to turn again.

"Uh... that she sounded pretty clear?" The guy repeats confused.

"No the other thing... " Odell urges.

"That she's far away from you where she always wants to be?"

"Yes!" He jumps from his seat in realization, "I think I know exactly where she is!"

"How?" Ian asks.

"I think she was speaking in code, we've talked about her taking a break at her favorite cabin after she's done working."

"You seem pretty positive about this, we'll go there now. You should also alert the police just in case." Ian says moving over to his desk to grab his jacket.

Odell also moves out of the office to call the police but instead he gets a call from CO Bailey so he picks up quickly.

"Good News Mr. Beckham we've found a lead on the location of Max Ehric, we're gearing up to go now." The leading officer of the case informs him.

Odell decided not to tell him that he also found a location in hopes of avoiding the 'leave it up to us' conversation,there was no way he wasn't going to see Demi for himself. "Thank you for telling me, please bring her back safely."

"We will do our best."

By the time the call ends, Odell was already outside moving quickly to get in his car. Once he got inside and was situated, he started the engine then sped of in the direction of the cabin with Ian following behind him.


Pure anger and betrayal washed over Demi as she lunged for her sister, Dallas runs toward the stairs with Demi hot on her tail, as she begins to ascend the steps Demi pulls her hair back roughly and she falls hitting her back against the wooden planks as she slides down.

"You fucking bitch." Dallas groans.

"Oh I'm the bitch!?" Demi seethes, jumping on top of her.

Dallas tried to squirm her way out of Demi's hold but she straddled her legs stopping her attempts. She slaps Demi harshly across the face making her head swing to the right. It takes a second for Demi to process what happened before she blacked out and started throwing punches left and right, she heard a sudden crack but she kept going until she felt herself being pulled of the ground.

"What is wrong with you stop it!" She hears Max say as he tries to restrain her by gripping her arm tightly.

She brings her foot forward, quickly swinging it back into his a couple times making him groan in pain, he lets her go to hold his leg and she turns to his hunched over figure and brings her knee up to his ribs in a swift motion delivering a rough blow. He falls to the ground now holding his side as his face contorts in pain.

"Fuck you both." Demi seethes still furious as she watches them squirm on the ground in pain, it still didn't make her feel any better.

She moves to go into the living room to find the phone they left on the table but she's stopped by a hand wrapping around her ankle pulling her back.

"Let go of me dipshit!" She tries to twist her foot out of his tight grasp but she falls in front of him instead landing on her butt.

He pulls her closer to him by the ankle and she uses her free foot to kick him in the stomach repeatedly so he'd let her go, she gets up quickly and runs into the living room. She spots the phone sitting in the table and grabs it, instantly unlocking it and redialing Odell's number. She hears Max groaning and heavy steps coming toward her from the other room so she rushes off into the kitchen and down the basement as quietly as possible.

"Demi? Hello?!" She hear Odell's worried voice speak through the phone as she descends the stairs into the dark room.

"Odell please tell me that you understood me speaking in code earlier?!" She rushes out in a hushed tone.

"Yes I did and I'm on my way to the cabin now with the police." He tells her and she sighs relieved.

"Okay, thank god."

"Baby are you hurt? He didn't touch you did he?"

She's not able to answer as she hears two sets of foot steps coming down the stairs. "What's the point in hiding Demi? We know you're down here." Max's voice sounds throughout the dark room.

Demi doesn't move from where she is behind a shelf and waits for him to turn on the lights. When he does, she sees that's Dallas is following timidly behind him holding her bloody nose. She sees an old fire extinguisher on the shelf closest to her and picks it up before coming out.

"There she is!" Max cheers sarcastically. "What do you plan on doing with that love bug? Spray us with foam so you can escape?"

She doesn't pay attention to his teasing instead she looks at her sister who has tears running down her cheeks.

"What the fuck are you crying for Dallas? You helped him take me here and you're the one crying." Demi points out in disbelief.

"You broke my fucking nose asshole." Dallas said with a slight lisp as her front tooth was also chipped from the beating she had received not too long ago.

"Good." Demi smirks which only upset Dallas more.

They begin to bicker with each other loudly which annoyed Max to no ends as him telling them to stop was going completely unheard. Odell who was still on the line couldn't make out a bit of what was happening as he sped through the streets of LA to quickly get to Demi. Just as he was about to enter the highway that would lead him to the cabin, there were two loud bangs before the incessant chatter immediately stopped and the line went dead.


(Thanks for reading <3)

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