Chapter 32.

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Demi's POV

Leaving Odell for what feels like the millionth time since we started dating never gets any easier, the time we spend together only makes me grow more fond of being around him everyday, the way our busy lives mostly held us apart made my heart ache in a way it never has before and having to say "goodbye" was just the worst. I hated it.

Yet here we were, doing it all over again.

"I'll see you soon sweetness." He says kissing my temple and bringing me in for a tight hug.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." I frown.

He releases me and looks at me with a soft smile, "I'll miss you more, but I'll see you again when I come visit you for your birthday."

"I'll be counting the days."

"I will too my love."

The flight attendant takes my bag and reminds me that I have to board the plane, I thank them before they walk away then turn to Odell.

"I have to go now."

He nods and pulls me in for a sweet kiss, I'm going to miss those the most.

We pull away after a few seconds.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He replies and I kiss his cheek quickly and walk towards my plane.

I enter and quickly find my seat a prepare to sleep for the entire duration of the flight.


After being on a seven hour long flight I finally landed in Madrid, where Max came to get me at the airport and drive me to the hotel where the rest of the team was for the past two days. We checked in with ease then he carried my bags up to my suite. He scanned the room before I entered then left me with my belongings to settle in.

I texted Odell and my friends that I had arrived at my hotel then I went to take a shower and changed into some clean cloths. I checked social media for a few minutes before I drifted off to sleep. 

My nap didn't last long as the sound of my phone buzzing beside me woke me up. I looked at the screen to see that it was Matthew calling which made me smile.

"Demi!" He yells excitedly when the call gets connected.

"Hi Matt!" I say trying to match his excitement in my sleepy state.

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I wasn't that tired anyway."

I sit up in bed so that he could see my face better, "So what's up?"

"Nothing, I just missed talking to my best friend." He pouts.

"I miss you too, I can't wait to get home so I can see you again."

We catch up with each other for a couple of minutes then I see a call coming from Dallas to which I declined.

"Is everything okay?" He asks probably from seeing the annoyed look on my face.

"Yeah it was just Dallas calling me." I tell him.

"Is she still anti-Odell?"

"Yes and I wish she would stop pestering me about him." I say rolling my eyes, "He'S gOiNg To HuRt YoU." I say mimicking her tone.

Matthew laughs."Isn't it a little weird how badly she wants you to break up with him, why is she being so obsessive?"

I shrug, "I told her to stay out of it, but she won't listen so now I'm just ignoring her."

He nods understanding.

"I don't see why she can't just be happy for me, Odell isn't like any of the other guys I've dated."

"Maybe she's jealous of you two."

"She has a boyfriend, she has no reason to be jealous." I sigh rubbing my temple.

"Maybe she's just miserable?" He says in a questioning tone.

Before I get to reply there's a knock at my door. I look through the doors peephole and see that it's my assistant and makeup artist so I open it quickly.

"Hey guys!" I say throwing my arms around them.

"Hi Dems!" They both exclaim hugging me back.

"We missed you around here." Jills says walking into the room with Tiffini following behind her.

"I was only gone for a week, you guys can't live without me." I tease with a smirk across my face.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night." Tiff banters back at me with the same tone.

With Mathew still on the phone with me he greets the girls and the phone eventually gets taken from me as they drift of into their own conversations then we order room service and spend the rest of the night watching reruns of 'The Bachelor'.


Thanks for reading <3

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