Chapter 33.

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Demi's POV

3 weeks later

It was 5am and I had do to a sound check for my last show here in Europe. It's been the same routine for the past 3 weeks; going to sound checks in the middle of the night, rehearsals, meet and greets, team meetings and all the other fun tour stuff I get to do on tour, even though I do enjoy it and love getting to perform in-front of thousands of people it got draining after a while and now I just wanted to curl up into my own bed with my dogs and sleep for an eternity.

With my luck I had to stay here for a couple extra days to film a music video while everyone was else who was not needed got to go home. I've never been more jealous in my life... well maybe that was an exaggeration but that's how I felt.

"Here's your tea Demi." My assistant says bringing me from my thoughts, handing me very warm cup.

I thank her with a smile and we walked towards the stage where I was needed as she went over our itinerary for the day.

"And that's it, if you're up to it after the show some of us are going to a carnival." She tells me looking up from her clipboard when we finally reached the top of the stage.

"Yeah sure, that sounds fun!" I beam dying to do something other than work.

"Great we'll come get you when we're ready to go!" With that she left.

I was almost immediately bombarded with instructions on where  the stage manager needed me then I was given  everything I needed to start my set.

We spent about 3 hours making everything absolutely perfect and fixing any mistakes and set backs before the show started in a few hours then I was instructed to get some rest as soon as I got back to my hotel to which I gladly obligated because I was exhausted.


After a few might I add short hours I was startled awake by loud knocking at my door. I groaned in annoyance and threw the sheets off my body and made my way to the door, looking through the peephole I see that it's hair and makeup along with wardrobe so I opened the door to let them in and made my way  to the bathroom so I could shower.

When I was done showering and brushing my teeth I walked out of the bathroom to find my team ready with everything set up and waiting for me, so I sat down in a chair in front of the mirror and Jill got started on my glam look for the day while Siena showed me the cloths options I had for my meet and greet later.

After finishing my make up, getting my hair styled and picking an outfit for the day we were finally done and ready to head to the venue where I would be performing and meeting some of my fans.

It didn't take long for us to get to the arena from the hotel, the hard part was getting inside where security had to hold back people who were getting slightly aggressive and me looking back at them with apologetic smiles and small waves to hold them over until I could see them in person.

Max and I made our way around to the photo booth after getting safely, he ensured that I didn't need anything then left to stand and watch behind the curtains while I took photos.

Gift after gift and story after story I was well into my third makeup touch up because of how much I'd been crying and it had barely been 2 hours since the meet and greet started. My cheeks hurt a little from all the smiling I had been doing but I didn't care because every single smile was genuinely meant for the person beside me who told me how important I was to them and they didn't deserve anything less.

After another half an hour of photos the meet and greet ended and I was once again on the move to my dressing room where I had to quickly get ready for the concert that was about to start in an hour or two.

I freshened up myself and had my makeup redone and hair styled differently so it would go well with my outfit then I did vocal warmups as different people came into the room to either attach a mic pack to my cloths in a way it didn't obviously show or to properly put in my in-ear piece. When everything was done I had 15 minutes left to myself to collect my thoughts and say a little prayer hoping this show would go exactly how we all planed it.


The show ended on the highest note that I've ever finished a concert on, the energy was immaculate and it reminded so much of why I wanted to be a musician in the first place. With everyone singing your songs word for word and the audible gasps when they hear you hit a note you've never dared to try with an audience, needless to say I was having an adrenaline rush even when I made it back to my hotel and got ready to go out with my friends.

We arrived at the carnival and immediately aimed for the many rides that they had, first we went on the Ferris wheel then the carousel and after that we went for the bumper car rides. When we got worn out we got some food and went to sit down in an area where we could see the city lights over the water.

"Is it okay if I post some of the pictures I took?" Tiffini asked as she broke off a piece of her cotton candy and put it in her mouth.

"Yeah sure, can you send me some too I might post some later."

She sends me the pictures and I smile while going through them. We look so happy. Then Siena snaps my attention from my phone by bumping her shoulders against mine.

"This person is in three of the photos that we took, do you think that's weird?" She asks pointing to the person she was talking about in three different pictures, in three different places.

"That is kind of weird." I mumble to myself looking at person behind us in the pictures clad in all black clothing and a hood over their head.

"You don't think we got followed from the hotel, do you?"

I shrug genuinely not knowing, "Could be that or an odd coincidence."

Just as I finish my food I hear small squeals behind me and I know my cover has been blown... I mean who couldn't see through the black hat and dark glasses I use as a terrible choice of disguise. I look behind me to see two girls smiling brightly which in turn causes me to smile back at them and wave them over to where I am.

They make their way over to me hesitantly at first but still excited and asked for pictures. The taller girl with dirty blonde hair who's name I remember as Ana held up the phone for her friend Kay and I as we all made silly faces and posed for the pictures she kindly asked for.

They left thanking me and my friends and I decided to call it a night shortly after that because we were getting tired from the long day we had. When we made it back to the hotel we went to our separate rooms where I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Kind of a filler chapter I'm sorry if it bore you but I promise there's more to come!!

(Thanks for reading <3)

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