Chapter 12.

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Demi's POV

I groan in frustration as I get called into a last minute team meeting with my record label to discuss the rollout of my album and some other minor details. On any other day I wouldn't be as annoyed but I've been in meetings and  interviews all morning and I needed a break, I also have plans with Odell to watch him  practice then go out to lunch after. Not knowing just how long this meeting will take I decide to text Odell.

Baby🥰:  I don't think I'll make it in time to catch you at practice:( but I'll see you after for lunch!! x

He doesn't reply after a while so I know he's already started practice, sighing I turn my attention back to my assistant and she tells me the album rollout ideas my  record label had suggested.


Surprisingly the meeting ended earlier than  expected, which I was grateful for, maybe I could still make it in time to see Odell on the field.

I call my driver to inform him that I'm ready and tell him where our next stop will be and he arrives in no less than 15 minutes. I enter the car quickly as my he opens my door, not long after he slips into his own seat and we're off to the football stadium.

Arriving at my destination, I hop out of  the car telling my driver thank you and quickly make my way into the building. I walk over to a receptionist  at the front desk taking calls.

"Hi, do you know if Odell Beckham is still in practice?" I ask her with a warm smile to which she reciprocates.

"Practice ended around 20 minutes ago, I haven't seen Odell leave yet."

"Okay. Thank you, could you direct me as to where I might be able to find him?"

She gives me the direction to his locker room and I follow them carefully trying not to get lost in the large building.

Odell's POV

After practice ends I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower, when I'm done I  slip on some boxers and I throw my towel over my shoulder. Going back to my locker I see that I'm the only one left along with my teammate Cody.

"You did good out there today Beckham." He says and I nod a smile playing on my face.

"Thanks man, so did you." I say starting to get dressed.

He finished getting dressed before  I do and heads out but not before yelling that someone was here to see me. I smile getting excited thinking it's Demi. I saw her text saying she wouldn't be able to make it in time to see me practice which made me a little sad but I understood why.

"Hey Delly." The smile on my face falters when I turn around seeing who it was.

"What are you doing here Lauren?" I ask my ex already wanting her gone from my sight.

"I came to see you." She says stepping forward and I step back.

"I don't want you here, leave."

She pouts making me grimace slightly
"I thought you loved it when I came to visit randomly, I remember all the things we did when I used to do that." she smirks stepping in front of me reaching her hands out and grabbing  onto my belt and I quickly try to move her hand and push her away from me.

Demi's POV

It doesn't take me too long to find the locker room with the directions I was given as I was now standing in front if a large double door. I push open one door and I enter hearing Odells voice along with an unknown voice and I turn a corner stopping in my tracks when I see Odells back turned to me as he was facing a shorter figure.

"I thought you loved it when I came to visit randomly, I remember all the things we did when I used to do that." The voice said and I watch her hand grab at his belt trying to fumble it and he pushes her away quickly.

"You know you want to Delly, what's stopping you?" I take that as my cue to say something.

"That would be me." I say calmly, watching Odells surprised expression and her confused yet slightly agitated one.

"And who are you?"

"The girlfriend of the mans dick you were just trying to suck." I cross my arms over my chest.

"Girlfriend?" She repeats incredulously as if it were unbelievable.

"Yes girlfriend, but don't mind me, go back to what you were doing. I wanna watch you do it." I smirk. "While you're down there tell me how my pussy tastes."

Her eyes widen at my words and with rosy cheeks she rushes pass me embarrassed. I hear the door close behind her and I look up at him waiting for him to say something but he doesn't and I roll my eyes.

"Who was that?" I ask walking up to him unfolding my hands.

"Lauren, my ex." He answers and I nod. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about her, I didn't know she was going to come here."

"It's okay baby, it's not like you know my dating history either." I laugh lightly and he smiles.

"You're not mad?"

"No I'm not, I saw enough to know that you didn't want anything to do with her, besides I trust you." I say kissing him softly.

He finished getting dressed quickly and we leave the stadium to get lunch as planned.

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