Chapter 23.

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Demi's POV

A new city every day, long bus drives, different hotels every night, meet and greets, sound checks and performing new and old songs at shows has become my routine for the last 3 weeks and I loved it. I missed touring and performing while I was on hiatus and I'm happy to be back.

Even though my schedule got pretty hectic I still found the time to take breaks when I needed them and just hang out with the people on my team. Odell and I talked everyday, I cant deny that I missed him but we were both working and I understood that.

To be honest I didn't think I'd be any good at long distance relationships but we've been making it work  for four months and without the media knowing, I thought it would be impossible with the fans I have but we've been pulling it off.

I was in the middle of performing one of my new songs when the large crowd started screaming even louder than they already were and I look down at the front row screaming at me and pointing behind me.

I continue singing while looking back and on the large screen behind me it showed people holding up a poster that read "we are so proud of you" and they hold up their wrist showing off their tattoos. I choked up a bit during the song and got a little teary eyed at how sweet they were.

The song ends and a form a heart with my hand with my hands holding it above my head "Thank you so much, I love you all!" I shout into the mic as I'm lowered below the stage to have my last outfit change of the night. I quickly run to my dressing room with Max beside me. 

I get there and change as quickly as possible with Jill touching up my make up  and Cesar brushing my hair. It was as chaotic but I was done changing in 2 minutes and I was rushing back to stage to sing the closing songs for the night.


It was now a couple ours after the show and a few minutes after I had a shower and finally got to lay down for the first time today when Odell calls. I smile as I tap my finger on the answer icon and his face pops up on the screen. 

"Hi baby!" I say, getting comfortable in bed.

"What's up baby girl, I haven't talked to you all day."

"I know and I'm sorry, I've been busy all day." I pout. 

"I know you've been on your pop star shit," He says making me laugh.

"I miss hearing you laugh like that when you're with me."

"I miss you too. I can't wait until I get back to the States so I can see you again."

"I can't wait to have you all up under me again." He smirks and I roll my eyes. 

"Wow we were having a sweet moment and you just had to ruin it."

"Sorry you just have that effect on us." He shrugs and I get confused.

"Who is us?" I ask and burst out laughing when he points to his lower region.

I clear my throat after my laughter dies down and go to speak, "Before this conversation goes south, I wanted know if it's okay that I invite you and your family to one of my shows."

"No that's totally okay by me, my mom and sister have been dying to meet you ever since they found out about us."

"Now that makes me nervous, what if they don't like me?" I whine.

"They'll love you, I promise you, don't have to worry." He reassures me, but there's still that feeling at the back of my mind.

"I actually wanted to ask you if you'd be down to coming to one of my games when you do get here but I wasn't sure since we're doing the whole private thing." He tells me and I nod.

"Well when you show up at one of my shows randomly with your family people will start to question it anyways so why not." I shrugged contemplating if I should say what I wanted to next but decided to anyways.

"I actually don't want to hide us anymore. We've been together for a while now and I don't mind the world knowing about us."

"Are you sure about this?" 

"Yes I am I've been thinking about it for a while, I want to do this." I say smiling when I saw that he had a smile on his face too.

"Okay sweetness, as long as it's what you want, I can get behind it."

We continue talking until I get really sleepy and my words begin to slur.

"We can finish talking tomorrow morning baby you should sleep." I hear him say and I shake my head slightly trying to gain energy to listen to what he's saying.

"No it's fine, I wanna hear about your day."

"I was telling you but you passed out for half of it." He chuckles and I smile lazily. 

"I was listening though, I'm just resting my eyes."

"It's okay if you wanna sleep it's really late there, I'll talk to you later." He says but I'm barely paying attention. 

I hear him take a screen shot but didn't have enough energy in me to fight him on it like I usually do, instead I let sleep take over me.

Sweetness Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon