Chapter 51.

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Demi's POV

Odell drove us back to the hotel he decided to stay in, in the midst of my house becoming a crime scene, he went back there to get me some cloths as he got the approval to inside since the investigation was done so far. It took some convincing for him to actually leave but he did eventually after I told him a million times that I'll be fine by myself. I don't think he was completely reassured because he was back in less than an hour carrying my things behind him in a suitcase. I had a hot shower to wash away the past couple days then I got changed into fresh cloths while my hair air dried. Odell ordered us room service that didn't take too long to arrive and we ate in silence with the Tv filling in as background noise. After eating we decided to cuddle and watch whatever was on, during the movie I thought about how much I probably missed out on and how work much I have to get done. I also don't want to explain why I disappeared with no explanation for a few days to anyone so I need to come up with a believable lie to avoid a bunch of questions.

By the time we were getting ready to go to bed I was deep in thought about Dallas and how my family will react to what she did, that will be a difficult conversation to have but no one forced her to make the choices that she did. I try to relax into the bed so I could get some sleep but it wasn't working, the lights being off wasn't helping either because I kept seeing a shadow lurk by the door every time a looked in that's direction. Odell saw that I was fidgeting uncomfortably so he turned on the lights and pulled me closer to him and reminded I was safe, I started to relax more as he held me and I eventually slipped off into a dreamless slumber.

I woke up suddenly and I couldn't go back to sleep no matter how long I closed my eyes, I tried to get up but Odell had a firm hold around my waist and I didn't want to wake him up just because I couldn't sleep. I lay there for a while until I feel his grip loosen around me so I move his hand delicately and go into the living room to watch Tv. The dogs found me wrapped in a blanket on the couch and decided to curl up next to me and go back to sleep. I was getting lost in trashy reality Tv when I saw a tall figure emerge from the corner of my eye making me let out a small gasp and jump back in the couch from the sudden movement. I realize that it's just Odell and breath through my nose in an effort to calm down my erratic heart beat.

"It's just me, I'm sorry for frightening you." He says sitting beside me cautiously.

"It's fine, I'm okay." I say giving him a small smile hoping it would reassure him.

"Are you sure?" He pushes and I nod. "Why are you out here so late baby?"

"I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to watch Tv."

"Mind if I join you?" He asks sweetly and I shake my head then lift the blanket so he can slip in beside me.

I snuggle up under his arm and rest my head against his chest then turn my attention back to the screen. Something about the steady sound of his heartbeat, the slow rise and fall of his chest and the way his fingers run through my hair lulls me to sleep and this time I slept until the morning.


I am currently getting escorted through a private back door of a police station for some follow up questions that CO Bailey has about the last coupel of days I spent being held against my will. I really do hope I can keep myself together while I recount my experience especially with Odell being there, I don't think I'll be able to look at him. When we arrive inside his office he greets us then shut the blinds and close the door, he informs his assistant that he wants do interruptions then we begin.

"Thank you for coming in Ms. Lovato." He smiles taking out a note pad and pencil.

I give him a half smile and shift in my seat uncomfortably until I decide to just sit naturally with my hands in my lap.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions about the last 3 days just to confirm some suspicions that my colleges and I have as well as help to build a case against Mr. Erich and his associates in order to get you proper justice." He explains and I nod. "You may decline answering any question that makes you feel uncomfortable."

He looks at me expectantly. "I understand we can start now."

"Did you notice anything odd happening before you came home from your trip?" He begins.

"I received a note with a weird message before we left for the airport but I brushed it off and threw it away before leaving the hotel." I inform him and he nods.

"Do you remember what it said?"

I nod. "It said "Can't wait to see you ~M" but I couldn't think of anyone I knew who's first initial started with M who would say that so I ignored it." I say and he nods.

Odell's body shifts toward me and I avoid his gaze by looking at hands in my lap. CO Bailey stops scribbling in his note pad after a few seconds and asks me another question.

"Did you notice anything else on your trip? Maybe a person following you, taking pictures?"

"There's always someone following me taking pictures." I laugh awkwardly.

"Right, what I mean is did you feel like something was wrong any other times that it happened." He tries again and I think about his question.

"There was that one guy that kept showing up in the pictures that my friends and I took while we were at a carnival. I thought it could've been a weird coincidence and they agreed saying it was definitely weird." I sum up and he begins writing again. As he wrote I remember that time Odell and I were at a club in Cleveland and I thought I saw Max outside of the venue. I told him about what I saw omitting the parts where Odell fought his ex-friend wanting to avoid further questions about that night.

When he's done writing he asks me follow up questions about anything else that happened in Spain that seemed out of place, when we were done with that timeline he began to ask questions about the day I was taken.

"Can you please tell me about the day Mr. Eric broke into your house."

"At first it was a regular day, it was a day after we got back from our trip. I was upstairs unpacking my stuff and Odell decided to get us some groceries so we could make dinner. A while after he was gone I heard some shuffling downstairs and the dogs started to bark but it wasn't like usual when they would play with each other so I went down to check on them. The noise ended up being in the kitchen where I saw a person going through my fridge, when I saw that I tried to back away quietly so I could get upstairs and grab my phone but I knocked over a vase by accident and when the person turned around I saw that it was Max. I screamed at him to get out or I'd call the cops but he seemed un-phased and told me that he had a proposal for me, I wasn't keen on listening until he showed me a picture of my sister tied up." I take a breath after that mouthful and continue to recount that day.

"Seeing Dallas like that made me go along with his plans which was at first to take me in exchange for her, he was holding onto my arm as he led us to the living room so we could leave through the side door, but I got out of his hold and ran upstairs to get my phone. I closed the door of my bedroom and added a chair so it would be harder to open then I called Odell to tell him Max was in the house then I call the police to do the same thing while I hid in the closet. He got in through both doors and made a mess of the entire closet while looking for me when he found me on the phone it made him really angry so he broke it then he put a piece of cloth over my face that caused me to black out." I conclude.

The room was basically silent except for the noise come from the busy precinct behind the door by the time I was done talking about what happened. I began to feel uncomfortable again as both men processed everything I just said. Instead of looking at the dumbstruck expression on both of their faces I get up from my seat to get something to drink, my mouth feeling dry from all the talking I had just done.

For the next couple chapters I'm gonna need y'all to pretend like I know wtf I'm talking about when I start to mention anything about the law or prison lol.

(Thanks for reading <3)

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