Chapter 9.

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Demi's POV

I stir in my sleep as I heard one of my dogs bark from downstairs. Stretching my arms over my body patting the space on the bed next to me to find it cold and I frown slightly sitting up up the bed opening my eyes adjusting to the light  in my room. The disheveled sheets reminding me  of the events from the night before and I smile, throwing the covers from over my chest I go to stand but my knees wobble slightly another reminder of last nights events. I'm going to be sore for a while I mumble to myself as I throw on one of Odells sweatshirts over my head and slip on a pair of underwear. I use the bathroom cleaning my self up a bit and brushing my teeth, when I'm done I go downstairs following the incredible smell that filled the house and stop at the kitchens entrance to find Odell dancing around the kitchen to no music in particular as he flips something in the frying pan which I'm assuming are eggs.

"You're in a good mood this morning." I say and he stops in his tracks and turns to me with a warm smile.

"Good morning sweetness." He says walking over to me cupping my cheek in his hand and kisses me softly. He pulls away with a smile and goes back to what he was doing and I take a seat at the island.

Looking around the kitchen I noticed that our food fight from the night before was all cleaned up and there was a fresh batch of cookies cooling on the counter.

"When did you have time to do all this?" I ask motions towards the cookies and the food he was preparing.

"While you were sleeping I woke up early to workout and I came in here to make us some breakfast." He says removing the eggs from the frying pan and turing off the stove."No offense sweetness you were incredible but I still wanted my cookies." He winks turning his back to me and I blush deeply my cheeks begin to feel hot.

He plates our food and sets down a plate in front of me along with some orange juice and we proceeded to have our meal while starting up a conversation. Halfway through my meal I hear my phone ring next to me the caller ID telling me it's matthew I pick up the phone answering it and placing it against my ears.

"Good morning Matt." I say into the phone and I continue to eat.

"Morning! Why didn't you tell me Odell took you out  Providence the other day?"

"It must've slipped my mi- wait, how do you know that?" I ask.

"Paparazzi pictures are all over twitter of you too together entering and leaving the restaurant." He says and I sigh. I didn't want people now about Odell and I yet.

I end the call briefly telling Matthew I'd call him back setting my phone down. I play around with what's left of my food with my fork.

"Everything okay baby girl?" Odell asks noticing how quiet I got.

"Paparazzi saw us the when we were out together and there's pictures of us online."

"Hey don't beat yourself up over it, we didn't see them." He tells me running his hand up my arm.

"I know I just down want anyone in our business. This is between us not anyone else."

He nods understanding where I'm coming from." I know baby but if anyone asks we can just say we're friends. Nobody has to know but us."

"You really think people are gonna buy that?"

"Not really." He laughs lightly "But if it makes you feel any better I don't mind lying to people about us just to keep it between you and I for now."

He says and I give him a smile " How did I get so lucky with you?" He shruggs in response leaning over and placing a kiss on my temple.


It was now 15 minutes before odell had to get on his plane to go back home in Cleveland and I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me a little emotional. I'm going to miss him so much, I wish he could stay a little longer.

"Don't be sad sweetness, we'll see each other again." He says engulfing me into a hug wrapping his arms around my shoulder and placing his chin on the top of my head

"I'm going to miss you." I mumble into his chest barely audible to anyone but him.

"I'll miss you too but we'll FaceTime everyday when we can."

"Okay." I say looking up at him with with a pout.

We stay like that until his flight attendant tells him that it's time to go. We share one last kiss before he unwraps his arms from around me and he reassures me that we'll see each other soon.

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