Chapter 6.

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Demi's POV

The feeling of Odell pulling his arm from around my neck pulls me out of my slumber, I squint my I eyes open to see him slightly since at the fact that he did a terrible job of not waking me.

"I'm sorry sweetness, I didn't mean to wake you." He pouts and I melt at the sight. Why'd he have to be so cute.

"It's okay, were you leaving?"

"Yeah, I thought it was best if I went back to the hotel so I could freshen up."

"Why don't you just stay here?" I suggest pursing my lips.

"I wouldn't want to impose, I'll be fine at the hotel."

"It wouldn't be a problem for me. Besides aren't you staying for another week? It would be so much easier if you stayed with me."

"You really wouldn't mind." He asks as we start to clean up our mess from the night before.

I shake my head no in response and he gives me a small smile "I'll go get my stuff then and see you back here then."

"Sounds good to me."


After Odell left to get his stuff from the hotel he was staying at I did my morning routine, had a quick shower and set up the guest room as nicely as I could for his stay. Just as I was about to start breakfast Odell walks into the kitchen with food in his hands.

"I thought you didn't eat yet so I got us something." He says placing the bag on top of the counter.

I really wasn't in the mood to cook so I thank him and we have a food in comfortable silence.

"Do you have anything planned for today?" I ask him as we continue to clean the dishes together.

"I actually don't, I have a last minute team meeting though but after that I'm all yours." He winks and my cheeks get warm instantly.

Why does he have that effect on me?

"I'll be working in the studio today, so you can come find me when you're done."

He nods and we finish cleaning up together the went to do our own separate things.


I sigh in frustration and I hit the record button again and try to sing the backing vocal of a song that I feel like I've been working on forever.

"That sounded perfect just like the other 10 times you did it." I hear Odell say making me jump slightly. I didn't know he was watching me.

"No it doesn't, something isn't right."

He throws both hands in the air, "I was just saying all the takes you did sounded beautiful sweetness but you know what you're doing."

"It probably does sound fine and I'm over analyzing again. Would you like to hear it?" I ask getting up and heading towards the recording booth. He nods eagerly.

I tell him what button to press as he takes the seat I was in and faces me. He hits the button as told and the instrumental for the song I was working on begin to play and I start singing at my cue.

When the song is done he claps loudly smiling big "that was amazing Demi, you have an amazing voice."

"Thank you." I say putting down my headphones and leaving the booth. "You don't mind if we stay here for a while?"

"No I like watching you work."

We stay in the studio for a little longer and I finally finish the song after a few minutes. After saving all my work to a folder I close down my computer, turned of my mic and we head inside the house.

"What do you want to do now?"I ask sitting on a stool in the kitchen.

"We could make some food since it's getting late." He suggests.

I agree and we start working on dinner together, talking about the most random things while we're at it, both of us cracking a few jokes here and there. We finish cooking and sit at the kitchen island to eat.

"This is really good." Odell says pointing to the chicken I cooked shoveling more in his mouth.

"I told you I got better Beckham." I smirked.

"I'm going to need you to cook for me every time I see you."

"So they're will be more of these visits?" I ask putting down my fork.

"Yes. I like you Demi, a lot. But I don't want to rush into anything because I know you're not ready for that."

I nod biting my lip deciding what to say"I like you too Odell, I like what we have going on right now. The last time I was in a relationship we rushed every thing and I don't want that to happen again."

He takes my hand squeezing it reassuringly, "That won't happen again sweetness, I'm not him. We can take this as slow as you want. I just want to be with you."

I felt my heart soar at his words and I couldn't resist the urge of leaning in a pressing a kiss to his inviting lips.

I know this sounds cliché but it didn't feel like any of the kisses I've ever had before this one was tender, sweet, passionate, one I'd like to savor and remember for the rest of my life. I cup his cheek and run my thumb across his beard sighing as we pull away from each other I open my eyes to see his still closed and I smile sweetly at him when he does open them. Maybe this one will work out. I hope it does.

We finish having dinner and continued to talk about any random thing that came to mind, Odell explains football to me and invites me to his next game. To which I agreed to go to. That night I went to bed with a smile on my face.

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