Chapter 55.

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Demi's POV

I was always good at hiding stuff especially when it came to my emotions, but when my mom blatantly dismissed what I went through to try and get my sister out of jail it really hurt me. At first I felt anger, it was fuck Diana and Dallas I'm better off without them anyways. Then it was disappointment, this was a common feeling I got when it came to my mother, I know parenting me couldn't have been easy in any way but she barely made a dent in the surface of being a good mother. Yeah sure in the public eye she was great, the nice, sweet and loving Diana De LaGarza who did the impossible job of raising a pop star who struggled with addiction along with balancing two other children and her personal life but somehow still made it work, she was super mom even if she didn't earn that title in my book. After the wave of disappointment there was sadness, because after all this time nothing had changed and I was sick and tired of having a mother who cared about what the people would think before even considering how I was.

The tears began to fall even though I tried to fight them, I felt so pathetic crying over this which only caused me to cry harder. I buried myself deeper into the blanket on the bed as I sobbed harder.


Shit. I quickly wipe my tears and took a deep breath before throwing the blanket from over my head. I sit up and run my hand over my hair before turning to face him, when I do a frown forms on his face.

"Hi babe I didn't know you'd be back so early." I say, cursing myself internally when my voice cracked a little.

"Actually, I'm right on time. What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asks sitting beside.

"Just some stuff with my mom. How was practice?" I ask trying to shift the conversation.

"Nice try. What happened with Diana?"

"She called me earlier asking why Dallas was in jail so I told her then she tried to paint her as the victim so she could get her out. She didn't even care to ask me how I was." By the end of the sentence I lost my voice as I started to cry again.

Odell took me into his arms and held me there until I stopped crying. He caressed my hair with one hand while rubbing my shoulders soothingly with the other. When the last tear fell I felt completely drained after and I felt a slight head ache coming on which was the perfect thing I needed after bawling my eyes out.

"You deserve the world you know that right sweetness?" He says, lifting my chin with his hands so I can look at him. "It breaks my heart to see you crying like this, If I could take all your sadness for myself I would do it in a heartbeat."

"You being here is enough for me. I love you." I reassure him.

"I love you more." He returns, placing a few sweet kisses on my lips. "I brought dinner too, it's your favorite."

"Taco Bell?" He nods and I quickly get up from the bed ready to stuff my face. He laughs at my sudden burst of energy but still follows me downstairs to the kitchen where the food is.

After dinner Odell decided that he was going to play some video games to relax from the day he had and I decided to watch him play as I simultaneously went through some of my emails. I stop at one particular email from my publicist who had sent an offer from Vogue asking for a couples photoshoot with Odell and I.

"Hey love, how would you feel about doing a photoshoot with me?" I ask getting his attention from the game.

"That sounds fun, when are we talking?"

"In the middle of October."

"I think I can clear time on my schedule for that, but would you be okay with it?" He checks.

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