Chapter 44.

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Demi's POV

"What have you done?" Max screams when he finally see's what I've done to his precious files.

"What does it look like I did?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.

He barrels towards me and in seconds my back is slammed against a wall. I wince in pain remembering being pushed down the stairs to too long ago. I definitely have bruises there.

"I leave you down here for a few hours and you have  a fucking tantrum and destroy everything I've worked on like a goddamn idiot?" He asks through gritted teeth, wrapping his hand tightly around my neck.

"Get your fucking hands off of me!" I choke out pushing against his chest and kicking him repeatedly.

"You really think I should let you go after what you've done?"

He pulls one of my hands away from his chest and holds it above my head then got closer to my face. I turn my head away when I feel his hot breath fan against my nose.

"I am going to make you pay for this." He says lowly into my ear.

He finally lets me go and I gasp for air and hold onto my aching neck. As I'm bent over trying to get some air back into my lungs I watch him walk over to the mess I've made trying to pick up the pieces.

"Why did you do this? Why me?" I croak out my throat dry from all the crying, screaming and choking.

He doesn't answer me right away instead he mumbles a few incoherent words to himself.

"You've been stalking me for years and when you finally got to me you manipulated me the entire time we were together." I say finding my voice. "You at least owe me an explanation."

"All my life I knew what I wanted; to be famous, have the girl, the car, the mansion... the entire lifestyle. I knew it wouldn't come the conventional way, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. It finally worked until you had to mess everything up and I won't let you ruin this for me. I've come too far." He explains avoiding my gaze.

"By "the conventional way" you mean through actual talent?" I snicker making him roll his eyes.

He turns away from me and starts to lift the table from the floor. He works for a while picking up thorn paper and smashed boxes as if I wasn't there.

After a while I speak up, "You have to know that what you're doing is wrong Max. You cant manipulate people into giving you what you want. It's not fair."

"If it's so wrong then why did it work? Why did you fall for my bullshit so easily? Were you just so hopelessly lonely that a random man from the internet that you've never met could just sweep you off your feet so easily? I only had to put up with you for 5 months before you thought you wanted to spend your entire life with me. Maybe you're the real problem here." He spits and I take a step back.

He's right maybe I am the problem. If I wasn't so stupid and naive I would have seen who he really was from the start, but I didn't want to be alone. Being left alone with my thoughts never worked out well for me so I thought what's the harm in having a little company and I fell for him the second he started saying what I wanted to hear.

"Fuck this." I hear Max say brining me back from my thoughts. "I don't need all of this anymore, I have you here now."

He makes his way towards me, taking me by the arm and pull me towards the stair case. I don't have enough strength left in me to fight back so I comply.

When we've made it up the stairs he takes us over to the dining room. I look at the table and notice that he ordered take out and placed the food at different ends of the table. He leaves me at one end and goes over to the other. I sit there in silence staring out of space as my thoughts became to much for my brain.

"You should eat something. You look pale."

"I'm not-" My stomach growls in protest before I could finish my sentence.

"You were saying?" He smirks and I can't help but roll my eyes at him.

I begin to eat the food and I had to hold back a sigh when I realized how good it was. It doesn't take me long to finish it because of how hungry I was. Max offered me seconds but I denied it not even being able to look at him.

When he's done he cleared both sides of the table and went into the kitchen to put away the dirty dishes. When he comes back he has a file in his hand, he places it in front of me and goes back over to where he was sitting. I look down at it for a few seconds then finally look at Max who now has a serious look on his face.

"Open it." He demands but I don't move.

I've seen enough today, I would rather go bald than look through another one of these things.

"This one is not like the others love bug, now open it."

I flip it open and it's just a single sheet of paper with words scribbled over it in Max's hand writing.  In bold letters the words 'List of demands' were written at the top of the page and I look up giving him an incredulous look.

"I am not giving you anything." I push the file away from me and sit back into my chair, crossing my arms defiantly.

"Yes you are. You will find that what I'm asking for is quite reasonable compared to what I'm actually owed for all my hard work. Now look at the paper Demetria."

I shiver in from disgust when he says my name and I pull the file towards me again ready to read it's contents.

Boo not a cliffhanger??
See y'all in the next rollercoaster of a chapter.

(Thanks for reading <3)

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