Chapter 50.

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Demi's POV

I'm not sure how long I've been sitting with my head against the wall, eyes closed, with both of my knees pulled up to my chest after Dallas and I's fight but it couldn't have been that long since the room filled with silence just for Max to tumble into the room in a state of panic.

"The motion censors just went off around the house we need to leave." He rushes out, grabbing both of our attentions.

"It could just been an animal, I mean we're practically in the middle of no where." Dallas tries to reassure him.

He ignores her, grabbing her by the arm to get up from the floor and I see him making strides toward me to do the same so I help myself. He urges us up the stairs quickly and I see the red lights blinking around the corners of the room alerting us that there's movement outside. A part of me is relieved at the idea that it may be Odell or the police but the other part of me are scared for how Max may react since he's so unpredictable. He pushes us towards the stairs, walking behind us the entire time to make sure neither of us tried anything, when we get back to the room he locks us in and warns us not to leave.

Max was gone for few minutes then he returns even more panicked than he was before, he locks us all in the room from the inside then goes over to the windows ensuring that they're locked. He starts to pace the room with long strides all while mumbling incoherent words to himself.

"Max who's out there!" Dallas asks for the third time and he finally stops.

"I don't know, but whoever it is disabled all the cameras from the outside and I can hear them trying to open the doors and windows." He explains defeated.

"Who else knows where we are besides us?" She follows up.

"No one el-" she stops then looks over at me. "Where is my phone Demetria?"

I shrug."I don't know."

"Don't lie to me, I checked the living room where I last left it and it wasn't there. What did you do?" He recounts the past few hours and I keep the same blank look on my face.

"I. Don't. Know." I repeat but emphasize my words this time.

"I. Don't. Believe. You." He mocks.

He's standing in front of me now with his arms folded across his chest, legs shoulder width apart and a scowl on his face. He maintained this 'power pose' whilst giving me a challenging stare for a couple seconds, he blinks first and groans in defeat.

"Fine." He backs away leaving me alone to go over to Dallas.

They speak to each other in hushed tones for a while turning to look at me between whatever they're saying. They get out of the little huddle they formed with each other and fix their gaze on me.

"We're leaving. Lets go." Max informs me.

"What? Where are we going to go?" I rush out.

"That doesn't concern you for now. Come on." He quietly unlocked all the locks on the door and opens it wide enough for us to get through without it creaking.

I follow Dallas out the door and he follows behind me with the gun in his hand as a precaution and we make our way down the hallway and wooden steps as quietly as they'll allow us. Dallas and I make it down the stairs and turn to go into the living room but stop when we hear Max cry out loudly followed by a loud thud. I see his gun slide across the room so I turn around to be met with Odell holding a metal bat in his hands as Max lays on the ground clutching his stomach, his face contorting in agony. Max tries to get up but he gets kicked in the stomach and ribs repeatedly, Odell throws the bat to the side and goes down to on the floor, getting on top of Max to stop his movements and starts punching him across the face, not missing a bear even when he began to bleed. Dallas runs over to pull him away from Max but I pull her back by the neck of her shirt, throwing her against the wall.

"Don't make me beat your ass again." I warn her and she nods frightened by how serious I am.

"That's enough Mr. Beckham!" I hear a gruff shout from behind that makes us both jump and causes Odell to halt his actions.

A man that is just a few short inches taller than Odell appears from the direction of the back door holding a gun strategically before him, he's not someone that I know but he's able to get Odell off of Max and off the ground and without a challenge. Max lays on the ground gripping onto his ribs tightly as he groaned in agony with each breath he took and his face was now scattered with bruises that were quickly becoming discolored.

I fix my attention back to Odell who stepped over Max to get to me, our bodies collide in a tight hug and I instantly melt into him as his familiar scent wafted through my nostrils. We stay like that not moving or saying anything for a while, I never wanted to let him go. I feel uncontrollable tears flow down my face and into his shirt but I cant get myself to stop.

"It's okay sweetness, I've got you." He says into my hair as he cradles my head against his chest making me relax.

"I know."

We hear sirens wailing in the distance making us pull apart and I look up to see that he also has tears running down his cheeks. I reach up and wipe under his eyes and he does the same for me not letting go to caress my cheek lovingly.

The moment is stolen by Max turning on his side and coughing up blood violently, Dallas rushes over to him, getting on the ground and quickly placing his head into her lap. I look away from the image of them disturbed and turn my attention to the cops coming in from the back door and breaking down the front door. They surround us in an instant shouting orders that I can't quite catch all while pointing guns at Max who looks mostly unresponsive.

An officer weaves his way through his men and escorts us out of the cabin. The natural light hits my face and I sigh softly as the fresh air fills my lungs. I get sent to an ambulance for a general checkup while the same officer made his way over to talk to me.

"Hi Ms. Lovato, I'm Commanding Officer Bailey. I know you've been through a lot the past few days but if you don't mind I'd like for you to come into the station tomorrow for some questioning." He tells me and I nod.

"I'll be there don't worry."

"Thank you, I'll appoint an officer to escort you just to ensure that you both leave here safely." He offers.

I thank him and he leaves to go back inside the Cabin and I'm left alone with Odell and the strange man I'm yet to be introduced to.

"Glad to have you back Ms. Lovato." He says and I give him a half smile.

"Thank you, I'm sorry I didn't get your name."

"I'm Ian Garcia your boyfriend here hired me to help him find you." He shares.

"Thank you for all your help sir, I really appreciate it." Odell tell him and they share a firm hand shake and he leaves.

The paramedic returns from the front of the truck where she was writing up some forms to tell me that I'm all clear and I should take it easy for the next few days, she also advised me to see a therapist to talk about what happened here but I don't think I'm ready for that yet. Odell leads me to the car, making sure that I got in before he jogged over to his side, it doesn't take long for us to get situated then leave the area quickly with an appointed officer leading us away from the scene.

You guys can stop hating me now please ❤️

(Thanks for reading <3)

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