Chapter 52.

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Demi's POV

I finish my water before heading back inside the room, I really needed to catch my breath before I continued to talk about what happened. The more I share the more I feel like I'm reliving the moment everything happened and I just want it to stop. I take my seat again after closing the door, the room feels slightly less awkward than how I left it which I'm grateful for, now it seems like they have finally processed what I said. CO Bailey starts his line of questions again when he see's that I'm ready.

"To make this easier for you I won't ask you anymore questions where you have to recount anything, for now just answer yes or no." He explains readying his notepad and I nod understanding.

"Did Mr. Ehrich get physical with you in anyway where you had to defend yourself?"


"Did he ever lock you in a room where you had no means or a way of leaving unless he opened the door?"


"I'm aware that the paramedics went over this with you already but I need to know for my records." He says before continuing. "Were assaulted by Mr. Ehric?"

I see Odell tighten his grip on the arm of his chair from the corner of my eye as I shake my head.

"I need a verbal answer from you Ms. Lovato."


"Did Mr. Erich say anything to you in hopes of getting a rise out of you or to cause you harm?"

"Nothing I haven't heard before." I mutter loud enough for him to hear.

He doesn't reply to my comment but he continues to scribble notes.

"Okay a few more things, we found his list of demands which will be held as evidence and will most likely cause him to get more jail time than he's already looking at which is... a lot. We found that he's been keeping a profile on you and your surrounding family for a while now which is illegal. He also paid persons to help him commit these offenses which they will be charged for as well because they are accomplices to several crimes that he has committed against you and your family."

Odell interjects. "What about Monica?"

"She was caught trying to flee the city by the department in Cleveland. She's being transferred here as we speak." He assured us.

"Are they going to trial?" I ask.

I don't want any of what happened to be public information, I'm not sure if I'll ever be ready to share something like this with people who barely know me.

"It's depends on if they plead guilty to the charges filed against them or not, if they do decide to fight the charges we could try making a request for a private trial in your favor." He explains and I feel a little relieved.

"You must know that prison records are accessible to the public so this may get out sooner or later even if you are granted a private trial."

Great. I still end up with the short end of the stick which ever way this plays out.

Are we surprised?

He tells us that he has everything he needs for now and will call if anything comes up as we finish the meeting, we get up to say our goodbyes when I remember that I have a couple things that he may need.

"I have  somethings that you guys could find useful." I tell him as I reach into my pocket to hand him the ring and Max's phone that I held in the waistband of my pants after I dropped it. "It's my old ring that he told me to put on as one of his demands and his phone."

He takes them from my hand and thanks me, I give him a small smile in return then we leave his office and the police station the same way we came in.


The car ride back to the hotel was quiet, I still haven't looked at Odell properly even after the meeting just to avoid the look on his face when he hears about all the stuff that happened to me. I don't think I can handle a look of pity from anyone right now, especially him. When we enter the hotel room I head straight for the living from to play with the dogs and watch whatever is in Tv to distract myself from my own thoughts while Odell goes to the bedroom to handle a phone all.

When he returns and I finally look up at him I can see that he's stressed out about something from the way his brows knit together as he mumble incoherent words to himself.

"Is everything okay?" I ask concerned.

"No, not exactly. I was suppose to be back at home 2 days ago but I kept pushing it off and now my coach is threatening to suspend me when I do get back." He explains releasing an exhausted breath.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, you didn't do anything." He says sitting beside me on the couch. "I do have to get back home though and I don't like the idea of leaving you here so I was wondering if you'd like to come stay with me for a while." He offers and a small smile appears on my face.

"Are you asking me to move in with you?" I tease lightly, the smile still on my face.

"I mean yeah, I wish it was under different circumstances but I want to have you around me."

"Sure I'll come with you but I should probably get a new phone to tell my team I'll be leaving."

"We could go get you one now if you're up to it." He suggests and I nod suddenly in the mood for a long walk.

We get the dogs ready because they haven't been outside in a while and could use the exercise. We leave the building after we have everything and walk down the street to the nearest Best-Buy. It didn't take long for me to the get the phone I wanted because I knew exactly what I was looking for, we spent the rest of the time out getting me some extra stuff since I still wasn't ready to go back to my house. Even though the police got a clean up team to put everything back in order, I'm still on edge about going back or even stepping inside.

I spot a few paparazzi snapping photos as we make our rounds but I ignore them, acting natural as we went into different stores. We take a break at a local coffee shop to get a drink and people watch from the glass window close to the seat we chose. We sat around for a while guessing the lives of different people as they walked pass us.

"Okay what about him?" I say pointing to a tall man having a seemingly serious conversation over the phone as he passed the shop.

"Definitely works a 9-5 job in an office and regrets it everyday, he has 2 sons and a wife that he loves very much but doesn't spend enough time with them." He finishes with a proud smirk on his face. 

"How did you get all that from a 3 second glimpse? You're questionably good at this." I quirk an eyebrow at him amused.

"Aliya and I do this all the time when we're out together, it's a good distraction from knowing people are watching you too." He shares smiling fondly at the memories of him and his sister.

"That's sweet, thanks for sharing it with me."

He shrugs leaning forward to place an affectionate kiss on my temple, the sound of a clicking camera makes me pull away with an annoyed sigh. Time to go I guess, it's bad enough they aren't hiding to sneak pictures anymore but now they're all in your face with a camera drawing unnecessary attention to you. We get our things together quickly and leave the shop in a rush to get back to the hotel all while avoiding dumb questions being thrown at us by a nosy man.

When we get back to our room I get started on setting up my phone so I handle some work stuff as Odell helps to get our things packed so we could leave the next day. I could really use a change of scenery from this place to forget what happened so it's easier for me to move on, plus I wouldn't be alone with Odell around to give me that small sense of security I need so I don't get paranoid every time it gets too quite or I hear a random sound. I know it will take some time to get back to normal, hopefully I'm taking the right steps to get there.

New cover plus an update?? You're welcome:)
Also please keep in mind that any knowledge I have of the law is from Tv shows so please don't take me too seriously lol.

(Thanks for reading <3)

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