Chapter 62.

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Demi's POV

After last nights events Odell and I got to bed pretty late so when I woke up the next day I wasn't surprised that it was almost noon and I had completely forgotten that I was supposed to go over to his moms house today. I got up in a hurry, ignoring the soreness between my legs whilst I showered and got ready. I shot Heather a quick text telling her I was on my way, then I got Max to bring the car around.

"Good morning Max." I greet as I jump into the large black car, closing the door behind me.

"Hello Demetria, you look... well rested." He teases making my face heat up.

I roll my eyes at his childishness." Just shut up and drive."

He got us there as fast as he could, while of course continuing his torment on me.
"Don't worry, I doubt anyone will notice the dark red mark on your neck." With that he drove away with a pleased look on his face as I touched the tender spot on my neck that I swore I covered up. I'm brought out of my thoughts by my name being yelled and a body colliding with mine immediately after.

"Hey pumpkin!" I hug Aliya with the same tightness that she held me with.

"I missed you, I have so much to tell you!" She said giddily like a 6 year old ready to tell you about their day at the park.

"I can't wait to hear, but first let me breath." We let go of each other and she offers me an apologetic smile.

Aliyah like most hyperactive teenagers doesn't know her own strength which is something I've come to terms with from spending so much time with her. She'd share her oh so exciting high school drama with me and I'd indulge her because frankly it was quite interesting and she was a good story teller.

We walked into the house through the door she left open on her way to greet me, she went on about the latest drama going on in her life as we walked through the house into the backyard.

"Oh there you are Sugar, I thought Aliya trampled you on her way to get you." Heather says, greeting me with a hug.

"I barely made it." I joke, earning small laughs from the two. "Sorry I'm late. But now that I'm here, what can I help you with?" I roll up the sleeves of my sweatshirt.

She lets me know there's not much to do except taking down some decoration so we get to work while falling into effortless conversation. We finish putting away everything before we know it. Aliya goes off to her room when she gets a call and Heather and I move to the kitchen where she makes us tea.

"Thanks again for all your help with the party, everyone loved it." She says placing a mug in front of me, I shrug my shoulders.

"You don't have to thank me, I was happy to do it."

She sits beside me at the island. "Still, I appreciate everything you did even though you've been going through some stuff."

I sigh lightly but still give her a half smile.  I've been doing better actually, at least that's what my therapist says, no more nightmares or panic attacks and I've also been getting into producing my own stuff since I'm on my own and my team is still in LA. I even talked to my mother again after a long time, things between us are less tense but I let her know that how she reacted to the situation really hurt me and she acknowledged that and apologized, I forgave her in the end but Odell still isn't her biggest fan. I still invited the rest of my family over for Christmas so we'll see how that plays out.

"It was nothing, I'd do anything for you guys." She gives me a smile that reaches her eyes and my heart warms a little.

She's about to say something else when she gets cut off by Aliya rushing into the kitchen with a panicked look on her face.

Sweetness Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt