Chapter 64.

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Demi's POV

I had my first doctors appointment 2 weeks ago to get a basic check up and to estimate how far long I am. It turns out I'm 7 weeks along and I'm due around the middle of July. The doctor explained that it was normal to have a little bleeding during the fertilization stage so I shouldn't have anything to worry about and if it anything like that happens again throughout the rest of my pregnancy I should check in with her immediately. Dr. Montgomery also mentioned it was important that I was surrounded by a stress free environment, it was a no- brainer for us but it may be a bit difficult with my parents coming over for Christmas brunch in a few minutes. I plan to break the news to the rest of our family while we open gifts, it may be a little early but I'm way too excited to keep it to myself.

Just as I'm put the finishing touches on the mimosas the doorbell rings and I go to see who it is with Odell. We open it to find both our parents and sisters standing at our doorstep, they all have smiles on their faces but I can see that there's a bit of tension wafting between them but it's pushed aside when they greet us and come inside. We exchange hugs and hellos then make our way into the dining room where we have brunch splayed out on the table. There isn't much talking during the beginning of the meal so the dining room was mostly filled with soft music playing in the background and the utensils scraping against the dishes. To break the awkward silence Odell speaks up.

"So, how was your flight here?" He directs towards my mothers who seems surprised he's even addressing her.

"Good." She swallows the blueberry waffle she's been shuffling around her plate for almost 5 minutes. "Thank you for booking our rooms at the hotel, it's really beautiful there."

He smiles politely, "It's no problem." They both go back to their food so it's unbearably quiet again until someone else speaks.

"The food is really good, compliments to the chef." It's Odell's dad this time, I'm surprised he even got the words out as he shovels food into his mouth, he then reaches for thirds until Heather swats away his hand from the bacon.

"Thank you, we cooked everything from scratch." I'm really proud of the layout it has; blueberry and chocolate waffles, pancakes, toast, scrambled eggs, bacon and an assorted fruit bowl, we've been up since 7am. I'd usually complain about that but it was just me and Odell moving seamlessly around the kitchen while blasting Christmas music, I couldn't ask for a better morning. 

When everyone was done with their food, we moved into the living room that was being kept warm by the lit fireplace, it gave the entire room a warm orange glow that would take your breath away if seeing it for the first time. When I heard everyone's individual gasps at the rooms beauty I couldn't help but feel a little proud that I pulled off decorating it in the last minute, I had time to do it but I of course waited 2 days before Christmas. It was one of those restless nights which was perfect for decorating an entire room Christmas themed from head to toe.

"Do I smell gingerbread cookies?" Eddie pokes my side and giggle at him being able to pick up on that even with all the other christmas like scents milling about the room.

Nevertheless I nod pointing him in the direction of the freshly baked cookies laid out beside an assortment of icing so everyone could decorate their gingerbread man how they pleased. The girls went with Eddie to design their treat whilst everyone else sat around the Christmas tree towering over a bunch of identically wrapped gifts.

When everyone was sat comfortably I stood before them to start passing around the gifts we bought for each other, "I just wanna thank everyone for coming, it really means a lot to me that you could all make it." My eyes land on my family and they share the same smiles that don't quite reach their eyes, it pains me a little but I move on. "I hope everyone is happy with their gifts."

Sweetness حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن