Chapter 10.

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Demi's POV

A month has past since Odells last visit and I miss him even more as the days go by, we still talk when ever we have the chance over FaceTime and through text as promised but it's definitely not the same as having him with me. We've both been super busy the past few days him with practice everyday because football season is starting soon and me with promoting my documentary, album and new singles.

At the moment I was in New York getting my makeup done for my appearance on 'Late Night With Jimmy Fallon' when jimmy himself stepped into my dressing room after the getting the confirmation to enter.

"Hey bestie!" He says excitedly "I just wanted to check in with you before we started filming and ask if there's anything you'd like for us to not talk about."

I give him a warm smile and look at him through the mirror I sat in from of "No I think I'm fine with everything. It's not like the world doesn't know enough about me already." I say laughing lightly.

"Okay good to know, I'll see out there."
he says leaving closing the door behind him and Jill continues to do my makeup.


"Our next guest is 2-time grammy nominee, multiple platinum recording artist and my friend, everyone welcome the the amazingly talented Demi Lovato!" Jimmy introduced and on cue I walk out from behind a curtain smiling and waving at the audience.

I take my seat and cross my legs at my ankle "Hello Jimmy, thank you for having me."

"Are you kidding I love having you here!" He says and I smile big.

We get into the interview and talk about my documentary, album and singles I have coming soon. We were now playing a game of truth or dare by picking a paper from a jar and either doing what it says or answering truthfully.

I throw my head back laughing as jimmy chugs down a glass of water after eating a jalapeño pepper gasping dramatically.

"Now it's your turn Demi" he says motioning for me to select a piece of  paper from the jar.

I unfold the paper and read the contents "Are you currently dating anyone?"
My mouth goes dry but I don't panic, I look up at jimmy and read the question out loud playing off my nervousness with a smile.

"No I'm not." I say refolding the paper putting it to the side.

"You aren't?" Jimmy asks and a shake my head in response. "So these rumors of you dating football star Odell Beckham aren't true." He asks continuing to pry and I stick to my answer.

"We're just really good friends Jimmy." I answer as planned hoping he'd drop the subject which he thankfully did. We go a few more rounds before wrapping up the interview and I get to leave.


My next stop for promo is in Cleveland which I'm really excited about because I  finally get to see Odell and spend some time with him. We decided that it would be more convenient that I stay with him for the week that I'm here while my team stays in a hotel close by.

My plane had  just landed and I collect my bags and make my way out when the flight attendant gives my team and I the okay to exit.

When I get to the last step I hear my name being called and smile  widely when I see it's Odell walking over to me. I push my bags to the side and rush over to him jumping in his arms and he catches me effortlessly.

"I missed you so much." I say nuzzling my face into his neck.

"I missed you too sweetness." He says tightening his grip on me. We let go of each other when interrupted by siena telling us they were going to check into a hotel.  

Odell takes my bags packing them into his  car and we get in putting our seat belts on and he starts the car then look over at me smiling "I can't wait to have you all to myself again."  He says leaning over kissing me softly and I  blushing lightly my cheeks getting warmer. I couldn't be happier in this very moment.

Sweetness Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin