Chapter 45.

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Demi's POV

... I pull the file towards me again ready to read it's contents.


List of demands
1. Break up with Odell.
2. We pick up where we left off as fiancés before the break up happened.
3. Loose contact all of your friends.
4. Buy a new mansion that's in my name.
5. Transfer 15 million dollars into my account.

I finally look up from the piece of paper after reading it several times. I can't give him any of this. I won't give him any of this.


"I don't think you're in a position to tell me that love bug." He says with a smug look on his face.

"What part of any of this seems reasonable to you? I can't give you anything on this stupid list."

"Okay then. You're sister stays with me." He begins to stand from the other side of the table.

"No! I want her back." I counter.

"Then do as I say."

I can't believe I'm even putting any this into consideration, but I have to get Dallas back. I got her into this so I'll get her out of it... and me eventually but that's not the most important thing right now.

"Fine. But I want her back first. I don't trust you and I won't do any of this until she's back with me."

"Do I have your word love bug?" He quirks an eyebrow, apprehensive about my sudden agreement to comply.

"Yes you have my word, now go get her from wherever the hell you locked her up."

"That can be arranged, wait right here." He says giving me a warning glare before getting up and wandering off upstairs for a few minutes.

When he returns he's not alone, there's a smaller frame following behind him with their head down. I immediately get up and rush over to them and push Max out of my way to get to my sister.


"Demi?" She looks up and gives me a weak smile and I engulf her into a tight hug.

"Oh God I was so worried about you." My grip on her tightens unknowingly but she doesn't seem to mind.

"I'm so happy that you're here." She says crying into my shirt.

We let go from the hug but I kept her hand in mind to ensure that she didn't slip away, I'm still not 100% sure this is real. I wipe my cheeks with my free hand but the tears keep flowing.

"Are you okay? Have you eaten?" I ask glaring at Max.

"Demi I'm fine I'm just so happy to see you."

"Alright reunion over. Back to the important stuff." He says picking up the single piece of paper waving it around.

Right, that. I don't have choice at this point, I finally got Dallas back the least I can do is play along until I can figure out a way to get us both out of here and away from Max.

"Do we have to do this now?" I ask in the hopes of buying myself some time.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm tired Max and I won't be able to do what you want me to properly in this state." I state adding a yawn for effect.

"Fine. In the mean time you two should take a shower, you both look disgusting." He says dismissing us.

We go back to the room he had me in the first day I got here and left clean cloths for us to put.

"The doors stay open at all times." He warns us both before leaving us alone.

"You can go first Dal, I'll stay on watch for you." I say handing my sister some cloths to replace her dirty ones with.

"Thank you." With that she leaves and I sit by the bathroom door as she does her business.

My mind drifts off to a couple of days ago when I was genuinely happy and had not a care in the world. Why can't nice things last for me, the second I have even a speck of joy something immediately takes it away from me. Why don't I deserve to be happy. I wonder if Odell's looking for me, I feel so bad for dragging him into my fucked up life he deserves so much more than me and I'll never be good enough for him.

"Demi?" I hear my name and I hum in response.

"You can go now, I'm done." Dallas tells me and I rise from the floor and head into the bathroom for a much needed shower.

After I'm done I slide into the bed beside Dallas and she immediately clings onto me and my heart breaks for her. I can't imagine what she's been through for however long he's had her here.

"Hey, you're okay. I'm here with you." I say tightening my grip on her and she relaxes in my arms.

"I'm so sorry Demi this is all my fault." She says looking at me teary eyed.

"No it's not you didn't do anything." I reassure her with a small smile.

"No I do. This is why I was bothering you about being with Odell so much."

"What are you talking about?"

"I was out one night with my friends and he cornered me in a club, at first I told him "Fuck off and leave me alone." because he is the worst and he did but after a while we kept seeing each other way too often for it to be a coincidence so I confronted him about it and out of nowhere he told me what he was planning and threatened to hurt me if I ever told you. I don't know how he found out that I was trying to get you to break up with Odell to avoid all of this but he did and brought me here to shut me up." She rambles whilst avoiding my blank stare.

It's takes me a few seconds to process what I'm hearing before I reply. "Why didn't you just tell me?"

"I didn't think you'd believe me."

"So you went the other way and harassed my boyfriend and I instead of going to the police?" I ask in disbelief. "Even if I didn't believe you at first you could have used that same energy to force me to. I can't believe this."

"I'm so so sorry Demi."

After some of thought I see how her actions made sense from her point of view and decided that it wasn't important now. We need to find a way to get out of here and me being mad at her would not help our situation at all.

"What's done is done, it's okay." I reassure her and she flashes a sweet smile at me and engulfs me into a hug.

She lets me go and we settle down into bed, we lay there in comfortable silence for a while before I decide to break it.

"I have a plan."

We got Dallas back yay!!
Q: By the way what do y'all think of her story?

(Thanks for reading<3)

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