Chapter 25.

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Demi's POV

I gently uncoil my hair from the heated curling wand I was using to style my hair and brush the ringlet of curls over my shoulder, I section my hair once again and go to wrap it around the curling wand again being careful not burn myself like I've done numerous times before.

When I'm done with my entire head of hair I run a brush through my newly formed curls to make them look more natural and I go over it with hair spray to make it look shiny. I set aside my hair stuff and begin to do my make up, not wanting to over do it on the first time I'm meeting Odell's family I decided to go for a more natural look. He always commented on how much he loved seeing my freckles so I let them show today.

To say I'm nervous is an understatement, it's the first time I'm ever meeting anyone from Odell's family and I want to give them the best first impression of me. I slip off my white robe when I'm done with makeup and I had every thing cleaned up, I got dressed in a pair of fitted jeans, a casual white top and nude heels.

Just when I had finished strapping on my shoes the bedroom door opens and Odell walks in.

"You look amazing sweetness." He says walking over to where I am as I look at myself in the full length mirror.

"Thank you baby." I say sighing a little at the end of my sentence.

He takes my hand and turns me around to look at him "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just a bit anxious that's all."

"My family will love you, I promise. My sister is already a big fan of you and I'm sure she's told my parents nothing but good things about you."

"What if I'm not what they expect?" I ask and he shakes his head smiling a little.

"When they meet you, you'll be better what they expected." He reassures, lifting my face gently with his hand so that our eyes lock. "You're beautiful, smart and the funniest person I know, if they can't see that, that's on them."

He leans down placing a sweet kiss on lips to which I respond by kissing him back deeply. We pull away when there's a knock at the door.

"I have the extra jersey that you requested Mr. Beckham I hear Monica say from behind the door."

"You can come in." Odell says and I wipe the lip gloss from his lips as she enters the room.

"Thank you." He says taking the hanger with the jersey from her and walks back over to me.

"I want you to wear this today."

"Are you serious?"

"Do I have a grin on my face?" He asks sarcastically making me laugh a little. "Yes, I want you to wear my jersey."

"Are you completely sure about this?"

He playfully rolls his eyes at me and removes the jersey from the hanger and hands it to me."Yes I'm completely sure I want everyone in that crowd to know that you're my girl."

He tells me kissing my now slightly pink cheeks.

I pull the shirt over my head carefully trying not to mess up my hair, I turn to look at myself in the mirror and smile.

"See it looks good on you baby." He says kissing my cheek again and I see Monica roll her eyes and turn her attention to her phone.

What's her problem?

She clears her throat and speaks, "Sorry to interrupt but your parents are here sir."

"Are ready to go?" He asks looking at me through the mirror.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Don't worry you got this." He tells me, kissing my temple. I take a deep breath as we leave his room and head down stairs.


"We're here!" I hear a voice exclaim.

Before I could say anything Odell was engulfed into the biggest hug by who I'm assuming is his younger sister.

"It's good to see you Liya!"

"Where is she?!" She asks letting him go, he steps aside and I'm now in front of the smiling teenager.

"It's nice to finally meet you!" I say smiling widely at her and she engulfs me into a tight hug.

"Are you kidding me I've been dying to meet you ever since I found out about you and my brother."

"Aliya let go of that poor girl and let her breath." I hear a gruff voice joke and she lets me go smiling apologetically and I tell her its okay.

"Odell Senior." The voice says introducing himself and I now stand face to face with what I can only describe as the older version of Odell.

"It's pleasure to meet you sir." I say and he shakes my hand firmly giving me a friendly smile.

"You must be Demi." A shorter woman spoke up stepping beside Odell's father "I'm Heather, Odell's mother its lovely to finally meet you dear."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Beckham." I say smiling and I go to put out my hand for her to shake but she stops me.

"I'm a hugger darling, get in here!" She says extending her arms and she engulfs me into a warm hug her sweet scent filling my nostrils.

"So nothing for me?" I hear Odell playfully huff behind me and we both let go of each other laughing.

"Not everything is about you." Aliya says rolling her eyes nudging him in the side.

"How are you my baby?" She asks taking him into a hug and he crouches down slightly to meet her half way.

"I'm good mama."

"I'm excited to watch you play again." She says smiling proudly at him.

"Speaking of which we have to get going, I was suppose to be at the stadium already but I was waiting on y'all to get here."

"Then lets go then we don't wanna make you later than you already are."

"I'm riding with Odell and Demi!" Aliya calls walking ahead of us to the front door.

I giggle to myself as Odell throws his arm around my shoulder, she and I are going to get along really well.

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