Chapter 49.

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Demi's POV

I crouch down on the floor quickly dropping everything in my hands to cover my ears as the resounding sound of two gun shots go off in the room. There's a ringing in my ears as well as the powerful sound of my heart beating at a pace that makes me feel numb all over.

"IS THIS WHAT IT TAKES TO GET YOU BOTH TO SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" I barely hear Max's muffled voice shout angrily.

"Look at me!" He demands.

I look up at him slowly and see that his hand is still in the air holding the gun above his head and there are two holes in the ceiling where the bullets went. He looks between Dallas and I with that crazed look in his eyes that I've become familiar with but this time it makes complete fear wash over me. He drops his hand and reaches for his pocket with the other, he pulls something out and through it towards me but I flinch, turning my head to the side in response.

"Relax, it's just your ring." He states monotonously.

I look down to see my old engagement ring facing me, I raise my gaze back to Max and he's watching me intently. I pick up the ring examining it for a few seconds, memories of when I first saw it flooding my mind and I can't help but hate myself for it.

"Put it on. Fiancé." He instructs.

I'm in no state to defy him in this second so I slip it on instantly feeling out of place when it reaches the base of my finger. Max steps closer to me but I can't help myself from backing away the closer he got, he extends his arms to hold onto my shoulder to stop me but I brush it away instantly.

"Would you stop for fucks sake! I just want to see the ring." He lets out annoyed and I look at him wearily but he facial expressions urges me to show him my hand, so I do. "Suits you. Next you must loose contact with all your friends... shouldn't be hard for you though since you're so painful to be around, I doubt they'll even miss you."

He had a venomous smirk on his face as he said those words, as if he knew exactly what buttons to push to tip me over the edge. I grab my hand away from his hold and he stands up straight, rolling his shoulders back and releases a deep sigh of satisfaction. He turns to make his way out of the basement, taking bold strides towards the staircase and stepping over Dallas who was laying on the ground with her feet to her chest in a fetal position. He leaves us alone in the cold room and warned us to not come out until we could get along. I guess I'll be rotting in here then.

It takes me a while to remember that I was on the phone with Odell so I get up from the ground just to find the phone smashed bellow the fire extinguisher from when I dropped them to cover my ears. I run my hand over my hair frustrated with myself, he probably thinks something happened and I don't want him to worry more than he already is.

"Demi," I hear a shaky voice say in between the slight ringing in my ears. 

I turn to the voice to see Dallas looking at me meekly with one of her hands crossing her body to hold her other arm, she looked like a child coming to confess to their parents that they did something wrong.

"What?" There's no emotion behind my eyes or my voice, there's really nothing I have left to give her.

"I'm sorry. I mean it this time I shouldn't have done what I did, I hurt you and I wasn't thinking about my actions at all and how they'd affect you I was just thinking of how this could've benefited me. So, I'm sorry and you don't have to forgive me or anything." She rants awkwardly.


She scoffs lightly,"Is that all?"

"What do you want me to say Dallas? I forgive you for helping my psychotic ex kidnap me and use me, I don't have to do shit to make you feel better for what you did. I can't even wrap my head around why you would do this! Why? Why did you do it?!" I look at her expectantly, waiting for a valid answer to back up her actions.

She stares back at me as if calculating just what she wanted to say and I roll my eyes turning away from her, resuming my pace going back and forth.

"I wanted to be like you." She reveals out loud but I don't turn around to face her. "You've always had everything handed to you and I wanted that, I deserve it. I'm tired of working my ass off and getting little to no appreciation for it while you do the bare minimum and get the guy, fame and money. All of that should  be mine so I went for it and I didn't care how I'd get it. Max promised me a cut of the money you'd give him if I helped him, he didn't reveal his whole plan to me he just said that I was going to be his fake hostage and you'd give him money in exchange for me. I didn't think he'd kidnap you and pull all of this it was never apart of the plan, but I can't even be surprised because even when he has me here at his beck and call you're still the one with the ring."

By the time she's done with her rant I'm looking at her confused at how easy she thinks my life is.

"I got where I am because I worked hard for it, I don't care if you believe that or not. My life isn't all sunshine and glitter and you know that Dallas, you've seen first hand what I've been through and what I continue to go through. You couldn't last a day in my shoes dealing with the shit I do everyday, you fucking screwed me over for money like some common bitch on the street. I'm your sister, I've loved you ever since I met you, even when you were being a complete dick to me I could never truly hate you. But now you fucked all of that up for a little bit of money and a man that would drop you the second something more beneficial came his way. I hope you're happy." I finish, my voice cracking at the end as a lump forms at the back of my throat and the tears I've been trying to hold back threaten to fall. I'm

"I'm sorry." She apologizes for what feels like the hundredth time but this time genuine regret washes over her face.

"It's a little too late for that now don't you think?"

This kinda made me sad damn.

(Thanks for reading <3)

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