Chapter 5.

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Demi's POV

I wake up to sun shining brightly in my room the intensity of it  makes me shut my eyes tightly and throw a pillow over my head, I am not a morning person. I reach around my night stand patting the area trying to locate my phone. I feel it and grab it off the charger. Moving the pillow from over my head I check the time and see that it's a few minutes after 9am and I decide to get up because there's no way that I could get anymore sleep. Throwing the cover off my body groggily make my way out of bed and to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

After I'm done with my hygiene stuff I go downstairs to make some breakfast and feed my babies. When I finish pouring milk into my bowl of cereal I get a text message and smile when I see who it's from.

Odell: Good morning sweetness, I hope you have a really good day xx

Me: Thanks O! I hope you have a great day too💖

I hit send and put my phone down. I could really get used those good morning texts, they're apart of the brightest moments in my day. After I finish my food I go outside onto my patio so I can start my meditation for the day.

When I'm done I pack up my stuff to put them away and head inside. Deciding to watch a random movie that was on tv because I had nothing better to do, I get comfortable in my spot on the couch wrapping a blanket around me and run my hands through Batman's fur as he cuddles into me.


The shrill sound of my door bell ringing through the house pulls me from the trance the movie I was currently watching had me in, I got up going to see who it was batman and ella following behind me. I open the door to find Odell standing there a beautiful flower arrangement in his hands and a handsome smile playing on his face.

"Odell? What are you doing here? When did you get here?" I asked happily surprised yet confused.

"Well hello to you too sweetness, I'm fine, how are you?" He says laughing lightly.

"I'm sorry, you just caught me off gaurd. Please come in." I widen the door so he can come in, my dogs rushing towards him barking and jumping.

He kneels down petting them quickly which seemed to calm them down quickly as the run off leaving us alone.

"These are for you." He says hanging me the bouquet of flowers he held in his hands and i take them smiling big.

"Thank you, you're so sweet." I take them in one hand and lean in for a hug his scent filling my nostrils.

We pull away from each other and we go to the kitchen so I can put them in some water.

"So, you didn't answer my questions." I say looking up at him from across the island.

"Well I came to surprise you and I arrived last night which is why I didn't answer your FaceTime call because I didn't want you to ask me why I was in an airplane."

I nod in understanding and smile up at him, I don't think I stopped smiling since I opened the door.

"Well now that you're here what do you have planned? I know you have something up your sleeve." I say resting my chin in my hand looking at him curiously.

"I'm taking you out, now go get ready and wear something comfortable."

"How comfortable are we talking?"

"Wear something you'd feel comfortable moving around in." He says after a moment of thinking.

"Okay, make yourself at home, I'll go get ready." I tell him as I make my way upstairs to go get dressed for our date... wait, is this even a date?

I push the thought to the back of my head, no over thinking today just have fun and go with the flow.


I give myself one last glance in the mirror, pleased with what I see, I find my way downstairs to see odell sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone  with Ella in his lap.

"Damn she doesn't even give me that type of loving." I say making my presence known and he looks up at me with a smile.

"You look gorgeous sweetness." He compliments and I blush lightly.

"It's just jeans and a t- shirt odell. "

"And you look good as fuck in it." He says checking me out from head to toe.

I smile up at him as he steps in front of me, a tingly feeling running up my hand as he takes a hold of it.

"You ready to go?" He says lowly looking down at me, the look making my stomach tighten.

"Y-Yes I am." I stutter, mentally slapping myself. Why am I acting like this? Am I 15?

I grab my keys, phone from the kitchen and we head out to his car parked in my driveway. 

"How'd you get the code to my gate?" I ask as we get situated in his car and he starts the engine.

"I got in touch with Matthew and he hooked me up." Of course it was him, I should've known "He also helped me pick out where I'm about to take you since always talk about going but you never do."

I turn to him excitement coursing through me. "Please tell me you're taking me to that new arcade that opened a few months ago."

"I am sweetness." He says laughing at my childlike behavior and I squeal.

With all the work I've been doing I haven't had the time to relax and have some fun, now I'm finally getting to do it and I couldn't be happier.


When we get to the arcade Odell pays for the tickets and we go around the building playing any game that peaked our interest some of them bringing out our competitive sides but we still had fun.
After we'd went through all our tickets and ran out of energy we decided to leave and get ice cream on the to my house. Now we were curled up in my home theatre watching Shrek one of my favorite movies.

"You sound just like him." I say laughing at Odells impersonation of Donkey.

"I was forced to watch this every time I babysat my sister. I can do tons of other characters." He says laughing along with me, pausing the tv.

"Hey! It was just getting to the good part."

"I know, I just wanted to tell you that I had fun today on our date."

"So it was a date?" I ask my lips twitching at the corners of my mouth.

"It is if you consider it one. I know I do."

"Then it was a date." I say unable to contain a smile from erupting on my face.

" Good because I plan on taking you of more of these."

"I would like thank very much." I say cuddling into him, we continue to watch more movies for the rest of the night then we fell  asleep with my head on his chest and his arm wrapped around my shoulder.

Sweetness حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن