Chapter 31.

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Demi's POV

The drive back to Odells house was silent other than the low sound of music coming from the radio. Neither of us tried to break it or made any moves to try and start a conversation at any point.

I parked the car in its usual spot in the garage and we went inside, he went to the kitchen while I went to the bathroom to get a first aid kit to clean up his hand.

I approached him sitting at the kitchen counter sipping on a bottle of water.

"Can I see your hand?" I asked stopping in front of him and placing the kit on the counter.

"It's fine." He shrugged and tried to curl it into a fist which made him wince in pain.

"Stop being stubborn and let me see it."

He finally allows me to take care of it so I sit beside him and take his hand in mine and I got to work.

"I'm sorry our night was ruined."

"Don't apologize it was that son of a bitches fault not yours."

I nod taking up a piece of cotton dipped in alcohol, "This might sting."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath when I dabbed the cotton over his bruised knuckles.

"So, did you know who that guy was?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow, "I mean you looked more upset than relieved the the police let you off the hook."

"Yes I know who Jarvis is. He was the same person Lauren cheated on me with." He says his nose flaring slightly showing how upset he was getting again.

"Oh I didn't know." I frowned.

"It's fine I never thought you would ever meet him."

"Do you mind if I ask how you found out about them?"

He shakes his head no, "We were best friends since childhood, we played for the same team and basically did everything together. He met Lauren at a NFL function that I brought her to and they hit it off really well which made me happy, after a couple months I had my suspicions about her cheating on me and even confided in him about it and he told me I was just tripping, fast forward to another couple months I walked in on them fucking in my bedroom."

"Damn, I'm really sorry you had to see that." I frown.

I finish bandaging his hand and went to clean up everything.

"It's all in the past, what's done is done." He shrugged.

"You say that now but you looked like you were on the verge of killing him for even touching me."

"I don't know what came over me, the thought of him being anywhere near you makes me sick."

I get off the chair and stand in between his legs and touch his face lightly so that he was looking at me.

"You know I'd never do that to you right? I love you way to much to hurt you." I reassure him and smile when I see a small one appear on his face.

"I know sweetness." He says kissing my lips lightly.

"Don't. You. Forget. It." I say kissing him in between my words making his smile grow wider.


We both took a shower and we were now in bed watching a movie but mostly talking to each other.

"So, what are you going to do after your tour ends?" He asked running his fingers through my hair.

"I'm gonna take the biggest break, run away to my favourite place and just sleep." I say exaggerating a little.

"Am I invited?"

"I'll have to think about that and get back to you." I tease him and watch his expression fall as he feigned hurt.

"I'm offended." He says turning his head away from me.

"I'm kidding you can come with me." I giggle when he starts to pepper kisses all over my face.

"What makes it so special anyways?"

"It's a really secluded cabin that I bought a couple years ago. I go there every time I need a break from life plus isn't too far from my house." I tell him. "It's where I always want to be."

"I like the sound of that." He says his smile mirroring mine.

It got quiet again except for the sound of the tv that was filling the comfortable silence that had formed around us and it led me to think about who I saw while leaving the club. Maybe it was just a figment of my imagination no way that he would be here in any case I don't care about him or what he's doing so it doesn't matter.

I thought about telling Odell about it but when I looked up at him he had already fallen asleep and I decided to call it a night as well by cuddling into him and closing my eyes.


Q: Do y'all think Demi saw [redacted] or maybe it was just someone else?

(Thanks for reading <3)

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