Chapter 30.

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Demi's POV

We walk into the semi-packed club hand in hand with Odell in front leading us upstairs to the VIP section that was cut off from the regulars. The bouncer checked their list and let us through without a problem and we found our way over to his friends that were sitting in a booth with their partners.

"Hey, look who's here!" Excitedly exclaims a guy that's a few inches shorter that Odell, with  a few tattoos scattered on his arms and a friendly smile written on his face. 

Odells goes to hug  him, my hand still in his. "What's up man."

His friend notices me over his shoulder and breaks away from the hug. "You're here, glad you could make it. I'm Ben."

I smile politely at him, shaking his hands and I wave to everyone else "Hi I'm Demi. It's nice to meet you all."

"We already know who you are superstar! Come join us!" Says the person that was sitting next to Ben.

They make room for Odell and I to sit in the booth and everyone went around introducing themselves.


We talked about where everyone met each other, how long they've been friends or together and other little funny stories while having drinks and food for what felt like a few short hours then Cassandra, who I remember as Vince's girlfriend suggests that we go dance on the main floor that had gotten a lot more crowded than when we first arrived.

A few minutes was spent with us dancing and ordering a bit more drinks until I had to go to the bathroom to which Cassandra and Nicole; Ben's wife followed me.

We waited in line for about five minutes when I started to have the feeling that some one was watching me. I looked around slowly trying to find who it was but I didn't see anyone so I brushed it off.

Some time had passed when the uneasy feeling in my chest grew and the girls started to get worried when they saw how uncomfortable I looked.

"Are you okay?" Asked Nicole.

"Yeah, I'm fine it just feels like someone is watching me."

"Maybe it's just a "stalker fan" isn't it true that celebs develop a sixth sense at some point, they can feel when  someone's watching them. " She tries to reassure me.

"Maybe that's it." I say laughing nervously.

Our time came for us to enter the bathroom and we go do what we had to do and left. We went back to the dance floor but didn't see the guys but just brushed it off thinking they were getting themselves another drink.

While getting lost in the music I felt someone come up behind me, I continued dancing thinking it was Odell until they started to pull me towards roughly and I got a whiff them and I immediately knew that it wasn't him.

I turned around to see a tall figure that was clearly high and looked a little drunk.

"Sorry I'm with someone else." I say trying to pull away from him but he holds onto my arm.

"Just relax girl and go with it." He whispers in my ear making my skin crawl in disgust.

"Let me go!" I say twisting my arm to get away from him.

I look around frantically to get the girls attention but some how they were a few feet farther than I thought they'd be.

He starts to hold onto my waist and lost it. "Get of me creep!"

With that shove my elbows into his stomach making him stumble back and let me go. I walk away annoyed and I hear him yelling after me but I ignore him.

"Leave her alone motherfucker!" Was all I heard before a loud thud sounded through the room and everyone started gasping.

I look behind me to see that Odell was on top of him punching him furiously. The other guy could barely fight back, it looked like he was knocked out.

I ran over to them and tried to push Odell off of him. "Odell, baby stop!"

"Stop before you kill him!" I shouted at him which seemed to get his attention and he got up quickly.

A while later medics rushed in to pull the man up from the ground and a police officer pulled Odell outside.

While outside we were both being questioned about what happened and we answered from our own point of views.

Jarvis; the name of the person who was harassing me was taken to the hospital for extra care but he would be okay. Before he was sent off he told the police that he did not want to press charges and that he deserved it which seemed to piss Odell of more than it should've relieved him.

After the police was done with us we got the valet driver to bring the car around so we could go home. I decided to drive us back because Odells hand was hurt and he had declined the medics help to fix it.

Just as I turned on the car and the headlights came on I saw someone familiar standing a few meters away from us, when I drove closer to the person I recognized them as Max but as soon as I blinked he was gone.

I continued driving and ignored the bad feeling that I started to get in my stomach.

Why would he be here?


Yeah so that happened...

Q: How are we feeling about Jarvis besties?

(thanks for reading <3)

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