Chapter 58.

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Demi's POV

The past three days with Odell has been so blissful, it felt like I was secured in a bubble of love and happiness that I never wanted to get out of. Before he left for training he'd make me breakfast and we'd fool around before we even finished, he'd remind me how much he loved me when he wasn't suppose to be on his phone during training, when he got back he would either bring take out or we would cook together and then the night would end with us in each other's arms. Of course all good things must come to an end so I wasn't surprised when I woke up in the morning to find that my period had started on top of that Scooter had called to tell me that I had to come to LA immediately.

Scooter: Demi this is huge, you have to be here to sign the papers.

Me: You really can't just send them to me and I let you watch me sign them over a call or something?

I see him be one more irritated with me the longer I try to negotiate going back to California.

Scooter: Are you even listening to yourself right now Demi? Balenciaga wants to sign you on as a brand ambassador and you want to do it over a FaceTime call?

Me: But-

Scooter: No buts. I've already booked your flight, be at the airport in 3 hours I'll ensure that all the info you need is sent to you by that time, Max will pick you up and drop you off at home so you can get some rest and be ready for the meeting.

I sigh defeated.

Me: Okay, I'll be there. Goodnight Scooter.

I made my way back into the bedroom to start packing a suitcase when Odell walked in through the en-suite bathroom. He looked very confused to see me stuffing cloths into the travel bag so I explain myself.

"I have to leave in 3 hours because my manager says I can't sign career changing documents over FaceTime." He chuckles at my annoyance but brings me into a soft hug.

"It's okay baby it will just be a few days until you're here again."

"I know. I just wasn't ready to go back yet..."

"I understand that but you'll be safe those people can't get to you from where they are plus you'll have security with you." He reminds me reassuringly.

"You're right, it's time to put my big girl pants on and go home." I say trying to put on a brave face.

"You're gonna be okay sweetness."

"I love you."

"I love you more." He placed a quick kiss on my lips.

I playfully roll my eyes, "I highly doubt that."

"Don't fight me on this, I will win."

He helps me pack my stuff, then places it by the door for when It's time to go. My assistant sends me my flight information and all the other things I needed to know after I signed with the company. I shower then change into a pair of leggings and one of Odell's hoodies since I knew I would get cold on the plane. The closer it got to the time I needed to leave the sadder I became, I got so used to being in Cleveland it started to feel safer than any other place I've lived in. Odell and his family made sure of it too by treating me like I was apart of the family, we even spent time together on separate occasions without him having to be there, I really grew into loving them for the short time I was here.

"It's time to go baby." I hear Odell say grabbing my attention.

I frown a little. "Okay, I'm ready."

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