Chapter 47.

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Demi's POV

A loud banging against the door startles me awake and I jump out of my sleep, placing a hand over my heaving chest to try and catch my breath. I look up at the source of disturbance to see Max with a sly grin on his face.

"You couldn't think of a better way to do that asshole?"

"Yes, but what would be the fun in that?" He chuckles wickedly making his way over to the bed.

He frowns when he sees that Dallas is still asleep beside me, she's always been a heavy sleeper. He goes to wake her up the same way he did to me by slamming his fist repeatedly against the headboard but I stop his actions by pushing him away.

"Leave her alone. You have business with me leave her out of it." I tell him and he backs away once I get out of the bed.

"Fair enough." He shrugs. "I'll give you 5 minutes to yourself before we start on my list, got it?"

I nod and he leaves the room, I really hope what I have planned works in my favor because I can't stand another day being stuck here with him. I use the bathroom quickly to not waste anytime.  When I come back into the room Dallas is still asleep so I don't trouble her instead I make my way downstairs to find Max already sat around the dining table sipping from a cup.

"I'm so glad you could make it." He says sarcastically making me roll my eyes. 

"What am I doing first?" I ask getting straight to the point.

"No foreplay huh?" He tilts his head in amusement and I fight the urge to strangle him. "Okay then, you're completing the list in order so first you will break it off with your rebound guy."


"You'll do it over the phone, it should be easy for you since you have previous experience." He said recounting the time we broke up.

"You're funny." I say with an unamused smile and he shoves a phone with a sheet of paper underneath it toward me.

I push the phone aside and scan the paper realizing that he wrote down exactly what he wanted me to say.

"It's not you it's me ? Who the hell breaks up with someone like that in real life?" I ask baffled that he thinks any of this is believable.

"You will say what is on that paper, I don't care how it sounds. As long as he's gone at the end of it all."

"Half of this doesn't even sound serious Max. No one in their right mind would believe this shit." I say pushing his little script aside.

"Well if you have a better idea then be my guess, but if you do anything stupid you'll regret it." He warns getting that same crazy look in his eyes from previous times before.

I know how serious he is but I'm still ready to take my chances. I pick up the phone and tap in Odell's number and press the call button. It rings for a while and I start bounce my leg nervously at the tension that's building in the room. He doesn't pick up the call and I look at Max who has an annoyed look on his face.

"What are you waiting for? Call him again."

"And if he doesn't pick up?"

"You call him until he does dummy." He mocks.

The restraint I have to not jump across this table and knock that smug look off his face is very impressive. I go to call the number again when Dallas makes her way down the stairs and makes her way over to me.

"What's going on?" She asks me.

"I'm currently in the process of breaking up with my boyfriend." I say and she shares a shifty look with Max but I don't mention it because the call gets answered.

"Hello?" I hear Odell's weary voice answer.

Me: Hi Odell, I don't have much time so I'll make this fast. I say reading from the first part of Max's script.

Odell: Demi? Baby are you okay? Where are you? He rushes out a bunch of questions and I have to restrain myself from saying anything that could mess up what I have in mind.

Me: Yes I'm fine. Listen, I don't think we should be together anymore.

Odell: What are you talking about Demi?

Me: I'm talking about us we can't date each other anymore, it just isn't going to work out.

Odell: Are you being serious right now? Is someone making you say all of this? Where are you? The concern in his voice makes my heart break.

Me: Yes I'm being serious. I don't love you anymore and it feels like you're suffocating me. I'm in my favorite place, far away from you where I always want to be.

Odell: Is this how you really feel Demi? Is this what you want? He asks after a long pause.

Me: Yes this is what I want. I say so coldly that I get goosebumps on my arms.

Odell: Okay, it's final then. We're done. He says in a defeated tone that makes my eye tear up.

Me: Okay, bye.

I hang up the phone and release a breath I didn't know I was holding in and the tears I was holding back finally fall down my cheeks. I can't believe I just did that, I can physically feel my heart hurt.

"That was good love bug, I guess Disney did do something right with you." I hear Max praise me from across the table.

"Fuck you."

"Hey Demi, it's okay. It's for the best." Dallas says placing her hand in my shoulder but I shrug it off.

"I just broke with the one person that cared about me the most and that is what you have to say?" I ask in disbelief.

"I mean it was gonna end sooner or later, it's good that it happened now." She says trying to reassure me but I give her a skeptical look.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you even say that?" I get up angrily from the chair, pushing it away roughly making it fall.

"Woah, calm down!" Max said getting up to make his way over to me.

"Don't come any closer." I warn pacing back and forth in the same spot.

"You're being dramatic Demi, please calm down." Dallas says and I stop with my back turned to them and I slowly turn around.

"You know, if I didn't know any better I'd think that you two are in on this together."

Dallas looks at me incredulously while Max gives me a blank stare, I can tell when she isn't being truthful. Ever since we were kids she had a tell we're she would look me in the eye while pulling at her ring finger on her left hand.

"How could you even think that? I'm your sister!"

"Okay then Dal, prove me wrong. Look at me right now and tell me you're not apart of this." I demand, crossing my hand over my chest.

"Okay? Demi I have no part in whatever it is that Max has planned." She says looking at me.

I watch her closely then look down at her hands to find her fumbling with her ring finger. I laugh humorlessly whilst looking between the two of them as they share the same dumbfounded expression.

"I'm going to kill you."

Somebody is about to get their ass beat and I don't think it's Demi...

For a little hope refer back to chapter 31 :)

(Thanks for reading<3)

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