51- Dead.

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[[ I do not own the music or art.
Below is Kazumi's reference (I think the original is an dating game character lol) Enjoy! -L RANDY]]

 Below is Kazumi's reference (I think the original is an dating game character lol) Enjoy! -L RANDY]]

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"Tighter," Kazumi ordered firmly.

Alana's entire body ached, she wanted to stop but Kazumi would not allow her, so she gripped firmer.

"You do not want it to fall from your grasp," Kazumi explained. "Preform the first strike over again."

Alana moved forward with brief steps, swiping the dagger through the air in a downward angle, then back up.

It was supposed to be a move that would cut a person from their collar bone to their navel and then inflict more damage with the reverse cut.

"You are moving too slow," Kazumi commented, leaning against the banisters of the stern.

It was night, and they were the only ones on deck, save for the crew member in the bird's nest on the lookout or the odd wanderer.

After the incident at the tavern four days ago Kazumi had asked her why she did not carry her dagger with her.

Her excuse: 'I would not know how to use it', and thus her late-night training began.

She felt silly, stabbing, and slicing the air as Kazumi watched all her clumsy mistakes. She was tired, sweaty, and knew she looked like a heaving mess in from of the regal Captain. Her dark brown fly-aways stuck to her temples from the mist of sweat left behind their already two-hour training, and her ponytail was slack and lifeless at this point.

That night they were headed to another kingdom for another business dealing that Alana grew tired of asking about.

She realized after Kori she was less excited to travel the more stops they made. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that each stop was progress for the pirates towards her assassination.

She noticed she did not get butterflies of excitement seeing land in the distance anymore, rather dread for what they had in store for Taycia. Either way, they've been on course for it since they left Ekapan and Alana expected they'd be there soon.

"Do it again."

Again, Alana stepped forward, slicing downwards and back up, this time trying to move faster.

"Too slow." Kazumi scolded softly. "If you give them time to see an opening, they will take it."

Alana fought back a frustrated and pained groan.

Who does he expect me to be fighting? Strange creeps in bars or... well, him!?

"Can't we stop for tonight?" Alana begged breathlessly.

Kazumi and Alana locked eyes, they were lit only by the dim lanterns, and for a moment she felt hopeful he would show mercy.


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