February 12th

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"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4

So we went over how to to understand the bible and how to study it, but why should we read the bible? Well, here's five reasons why you should read the bible!

Reason 1: To have wisdom.

The Bible is our definitive source for the answers to our questions about God and life. It is full of advice and knowledge. Nothing is more important than having wisdom. Wisdom will help us to keep us from making the same mistakes.

Reason 2: To know where I'm going in life.

The bible is the truth. Its what guides us to our bright future God has planned for us. God's word guides us to the right path. The path that God has for us.

Reason 3: To obey God.

How can we be the Christian God wants us to be if we don't know what his Word says? If we don't we don't understand it, how are you supposed to obey them? By reading his word we know the rules God wants us to follow.

Reason 4: To get to know God better.

What's not a better idea to get to know our Creator than to spend time with Him and read his word. Fervr.net says "In the Bible, God has made sure he has told us everything we need to know in order to be the best of friends with him. So when you pray and read, you are really having a good old conversation with God and that is definitely something worth doing every day!"

Reason 5: To know the truth.

By knowing the truth we can can do pretty much anything! We can trust the Lord! We will know that God will always be there, we know we can be saved and delivered from things that hold us back from following God.

So now you have 5 reasons to go open your bible and spend some time reading it! You won't regret it!

Dear Lord,

When I read the bible, give me wisdom. Help me see the great truth. Your truth is what guides me. Guides me to a better life. By following your rules I know what's right and wrong. I can obey you. I can be the Christian you want me to be. When I read Your Word, help me to get to know you better. In Jesus name, Amen.

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