February 13th

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"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

Do you ever struggle and worry because your life wasn't going the way you wanted? Everything just goes wrong or some things just shouldn't happen to me?

When things happen we need to trust the Lord. We need to accept the truth that God know what's best for you. He puts things in our lives because he wants the best for us. When we are hit with struggles in our lives always remember to trust Him.

Ask the Holy Spirit. He will help you do it. He knows you better than you know yourself.

Trusting God is a lifelong challenge. As we get older, different things happen to us. We get laid off of work, fired, sickness, death of someone we know, the list goes on. Whatever life throws at us, take the pressure off you and give it to the Lord, he can handle it perfectly.

That is what happens when we trust the Lord. It feels as if the world has been lifted off your shoulders. This is because God can handle it for us just perfectly. 

God wants to make something beautiful of your life, but he needs you trust him to do it. When you read the bible, it tells us everywhere to not fear and worry because God protects us, he is everything to you if you just have faith and trust in him. He is the one I can truly trust with my life. With anything.

Everything happens for a reason. That reason is because God has a plan for you. Don't give up if everything hits the fan and goes downhill. From certain situations in my life I thought "Why does this happen to me?". I can look back now and realize I wouldn't be the same person today if God didn't put those situations in my life.

God has a reason. God has a purpose for you. Trust him with your heart. When times get hard and you can't handle it. Cast it to the Lord and trust him.

Dear Lord,
Help me to know that I can trust you with anything and everything. Help me to put any worry or struggle in your hands because you can handle it. Thank you for allowing me to have a purpose in my life, a reason. This is because You have a plan for me and I need to trust you. No matter what happens in my life. That is your plan for me. In Jesus name, Amen.

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