January 8th

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"But show me unfailing kindness like that of the LORD as long as I live, so that I may not be killed." 1 Samuel 20:14

We have all had at least one bad day when we just wished some would smile at you or talk to you. Many people spend days like this. We would wish that someone would notice us and be kind to us.

We know there is others out there, that want to be talked to or smiled at. Do you ever see someone that sits alone?

Go sit with them. Say hi. Smile at them. Just be yourself and make a new friend. Whenever you are playing a game or a sport and someone misses that ball or lose the game, encourage them and say good try. Be positive. Be kind. Be the change you want to see in the world.

If we want kindness given to us, we must show the kindness and positivity to others. Last year, my sophomore year, I was sitting in my Foods class. The class was pretty loud that day and was really off topic. It didn't help that my teacher seemed to be having a bad day. She started to pass papers out and no one really noticed she was passing them out, since they were being really loud and didn't care. When she came over to my table where I sat by myself she handed me a paper. I looked up at her, smiled and said thank you. She suddenly stop and turned around. By the look on her face I thought she was going to cry. She smiled and said you're welcome.

From that very moment, my act of kindness lifted her from having a bad day to a better day. You can do it, too. God wants to be kind to one another. These acts of kindness surprise people in really nice ways. Kindness can really make a difference and it starts by a heart that cares about others.

Darlene Schacht has a perfect quote. She said "Don't let your character be shaped by your attitude of others around you. If someone is unkind, respond with kindness. If someone is getting on your nerves be patient.

There are times when we must draw healthy boundaries, but let us pray so that we use wisdom in doing so. Don't give up on people too quickly.

Keep your eyes on Christ at all times. He is the one leading our dance. He's the one we take our cue from"

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all which have the potential to turn a life around. Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody. No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart.

Dear Lord,

If there is somebody in need of random act of kindness, send them my way. I want to have a good heart and be kind. For whatever it is that the next person needs let one of my acts of kindness help them. If it may be a smile or a hug. Help me, Lord, to show the goodness of my heart. Let me share it with others so I can receive the goodness of others. Let my kindness spread and show others that it helps to make someone's day better. Thank you for being with me when I show people the goodness of my heart and have it share the greatness of your love, Lord. Let today shine bright with your amazing love. In Jesus name, Amen.

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