January 9th

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"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." Philippians 4:6 (NLT)

Do you worry about everything? Worry about school, how you look, if you're going to make it on time? Or even worse, worry about the city, driving, is the person next to me in the store going to try to grab me?

I am always worried and I have had fear pushed and shoved and now pretty much buried in my mind. Since I was little fear was always something pushed upon me because grandmother was like that. Now when I go places I worry about everything. After I read Philippians 4:6, I was like "don't worry? All I have to do is pray about it." It was like a miracle! I saw this and it was like I saw the truth in words, because I was! We don't need to worry about anything, or have fear. Psalms 118:6(NIV) says "The LORD is with me, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"

Whenever I'm scared or worried I remember that I can go to God and ask him. So no matter how major your worry is or how small it is, you can always go to God, for the Lord is with you.

Give God your worries. No matter what it is. Remember to stop filling our heads with worse case scenarios or what if's. It gets us nowhere and we have no more room in our minds for anything else. When we come into situations remember to trust God.

A lady at my church, her daughter was having a baby and this was 12 days after the due date. She had the baby but she wasn't breathing. They worried that she died. They thought she was gone. Her husband put it into Gods hands and trusted God. He spoke life over the baby girl and the baby started breathing.

They prayed and put that baby's life in Gods hands. They trusted God and what He was going to do and the baby lived!

Dear Lord,

Thank you for this wonderful life. You are always with me and when I worry or if I'm afraid, I can trust to. I can ask for your help Lord. When I'm alone in the dark, you're my light. When I'm scared, you keep me safe in your arms, Lord. Help me to trust you, Lord, and to see I have nothing to fear, for you are with me. Give me Your peace that calms all fears. Give me courage to trust you, Lord. I can give you my worries and put them into the hands that created everything, your hands. Thank you, in Jesus name, Amen.

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