January 13th

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"Some friendships don't last for long, but there is one loving Friend, who is joined to your heart, closer than any other" Proverbs 18:24(TPT)

Friends Part One

How many friends do you have? How many of them are close friends that you can trust with anything? I'm sure we all have have at least a few friends. But it doesn't matter how many you have!

Friends are important! We benefit them and they benefit us. Equippinggodlywomen.com does a great job explaining the importance of having Godly friends and non-christian friends. Check out the links I put at the end of each chapter. I agree so much with these.

Friends to me are very special. I don't have very many, but that isn't too important. Looking at my friends I have a variety of Godly friends and Non-Christian friends.

We have Godly friends to be a Godly influence on us. With Godly friends that are committed to God, won't be a friend that peer pressures you. They aren't the friend that follows the bright neon sign that says Sin on it. They are the friend that stays away from that.

With my Godly friends I can spread out a prayer request. They are the friend I know I can pray with. Number 5 in the reasons why we should have Godly friends is spot on.

"Which of us couldn't use some additional prayer from time to time? Whether you are sick, you are unsure about a decision, or you just received big news, Godly friends are the perfect people to pray for you and they are always happy to do it. They won't just say "I'll pray for you," and then forget. They will pray WITH you, and then they'll go home and pray some more."

They are a very trustable friend. I know I can trust mine! They are such wonderful people and you can always grow with God together. Pray together. Share together. Spread God's word together! They are truly a gift from God!

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the wonderful people in my life. Especially my Godly friends. We can share your word together! When I'm down they help me to remember that you are still there for me, Lord. Thank you these friends. They are amazing people and I ask of you, Lord that you continue to give them strength and courage to continue what they do. They love you and help them to always remember that! In Jesus name, Amen.

Reasons to have Godly Friends: http://equippinggodlywomen.com/community/6-reasons-you-need-godly-friends/

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