February 15th

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"But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful." Psalm 68:3

What does happy mean? Well it means feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. So let's talk about being happy and living a happy life!

I was always told while growing up, if you think good thoughts during stressful or scary times, things won't seem as bad. It's kind of like what Sadie Robertson says in her Live Original book. Think happy, be happy. So say you're in a bad mood right now, I want you to think of a happy memory you have had. Something spectacular! Just thinking of something so simple like a happy memory can make something so much better.

What Sadie says in her book about thinking happy to be happy, is to think happy all the time. I know just being optimistic and cheerful in any situation can make the mood so much better.

Positive thinking in any situation gets you so much farther than all those negative thoughts. "Sometimes it would be a lot easier to complain, but what good would that do me?" Sadie says in her book. Seriously, I know to complaining about it seems to be the easiest thing for me, too! But in perspective, where does it actually get you? I know its not toward a happy life!

Also, for me, I over think. I make things seem ten times worse than it really is. I get stressed out and I panic. I freak out because I wasn't thinking positively. Being stressed out wasn't a part of a happy life I want.

So to make things so much simpler and happier, think happy! Think positive! It really helps to start to live a happy life and it all starts with you!

Dear Lord,
Thank you for giving me the strength to think happy no matter what situation. Help me to see the best in everything. Thank you for showing me there is a way to live a happy life, its just to stop thinking negative. Help me to not overreact or over think things. In Jesus name, Amen.

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