January 11th

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"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:24(ESV)

What does the bible say about prayer? Praying is important, right? That's how we communicate with God. Its time when you can spend with Him, but have you ever felt like you have a hard time praying? Or it does nothing for you?

When we pray, we mostly pray when something bad has happened, when you're struggling, feeling sad, when your upset about something. But we sometimes have a hard time praying about things. Whether its because you feel like you're not saying the right thing, you have to much to say, or you have a hard time saying what you want to say.

When it comes to praying for me, I have a hard time concentrating, staying on the topic I was praying about. I always drift off topic. I go off and go in every direction when I pray. I just have a hard time focusing on praying.

No matter what kind of prayer. Either when I'm alone or listening to a group prayer, or asked to just listen to God, my mind always wanders.

Don't get mad at yourself or feel guilty that you can't talk to God. That's what praying is. You can talk to God. The devil tries to discourage you when you pray. He can make you feel doubtful when you pray, but the devil has no hold on you. He has no power over you.

Next time you pray and whatever your trouble is when praying, don't worry about it. God knows we need help. I don't think there is such thing as a perfect prayer. Perfection is something we try so hard to be but when we fall short of it we give up completely.

So even if you do pray and its messy, not exactly what you want to say, full of interruptions, God knows what you are trying to say. Don't give up when you pray. I live to write my prayers down in a prayer journal! You can always look up ways to be confident with your prayers.

Dear Lord,

I don't always know what to say when I pray. I might go off topic or I might not say the right thing. Help me to have confidence when I talk to you, Lord. I know you know what goes on in my life and you know what I mean to say. When I have troubles, Lord, help me to speak what's on my mind. Thank you, Lord, for listening to my prayers. In Jesus name, Amen.

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