January 12th

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" Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Psalms 37:4

When you are in need of a friend, or need some advice, who do you go to first? God or your friend? Answer truthfully.

My answer is my friends. I know Gods there, but when I need advice, for some reason I go to my friends first.

BUT after I read a great chapter in Lies Young Women Believe, I remembered we can't just have friends to fill the space we have for God. We have to remember God always comes first. So don't think we can put a square block in a triangle hole.

One of the paragraphs really stood out to my best friend and I.

"I discovered that I was insecure because I was placing my trust in people, who could be taken away from me, rather than the One who never changes and who will never leave me."

This doesn't mean don't have any friends, but we have to remember the friends we have can leave at anytime. Not meaning they don't love you or you can't trust them but, they can go at anytime. We can't promise when we die! We can't really promise anything on where we go. Friends come and go, but God doesn't.

God doesn't change. One of the verses I remember from teaching my Children's Church, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8(NIV). God's word promises us that "My God will meet all your needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19(NIV)

So whatever day it is, God will always supply us with our needs if we have faith in him. God's word promises us that we will never change or leave; he is the same everyday, forever. He keeps that promise, too! Spend time with God and learn how he is the only one that can fill that spot in your heart!

But remember, no one said you can't have friends!

Dear Lord,

Thank you for being such a great friend. I know you are there for me, but sometimes I don't remember to reach out to you first. And when I forget, you don't get mad and break your promises, you still keep your promise to be the same and to never change. You are the only one that can fill the longing in my heart. I know that no one else can take your place. You are the most important and you must be the center of our lives! In Jesus name, Amen.

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