Chapter 3

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The door approaches me. I know I'm not approaching the door because I don't want to. I know what's coming. It's inches before me now. I won't open it, I tell myself, but it seems to stare at me, urging me to open it. Just do it, Kate, it tells me, you know you have to.

"I don't want to!" I scream at it, the fear running through me no matter how hard I tried not to be afraid of it. My hand reaches up to its own accord and my fingers wrap around the cold knob. I turn the knob and the door slowly opens to reveal my parents lying in the living room, the carpet soaking in their pool of blood. Chills run up and down my spine so much that my entire body begins to shake. My knees give in and I drop before them, covering my mouth from the loud sobs.

Movement in the corner of my eye makes me turn my head. I see her. Tall legs in that tight black jump suit, holding a gun in her gloved hand. I look up to stare into those heartless black eyes, her typical brown hair is in a neat ponytail as if this was everyday business. Maybe for her it was.

She smiles at me, walks to my father and sets the gun in his limp hand. She looks back at me.

"I'm coming for you, Kate," she says.

I burst from my bed, wet from the sweat, breathing heavily. I run my hands through my hair and lean over, feeling as if maybe I need to throw up.

Third time. This is the third time having that rotten dream and each time I relive it, the terror gets worse and worse. I know dreams of my parents deaths have haunted me before; I never recovered from the real time I walked in on Cassidy- a name I had given her because I couldn't stand referring my parent's murderer as a nameless person- setting my parent's death up to look like a suicide.

Why is this happening to me? I just want to forget it and move on with my life. I thought I was.

I look at my clock to see that I've missed my breakfast. I quickly get dressed in the required uniform, grab my sweater and put my hair in a loose ponytail. Sarah, my roommate, walks out of the bathroom with her hair wet and a towel wrapped around her.

"Hey, you alright? I hear you talking in your sleep," she says.

"I'm fine, thanks. I'll see you later," I say, and rush out the door. I speed walk from Building Three until I'm in the main building, the grass and sidewalk are dark from the rain last night. All throughout the halls are people looking at their phones and even for being so early in the morning the place seems to be buzzing.

I find my seat in my business class and set all my school material on my desk. Irene and her new boyfriend sit next to me. Everyone gathers in the classroom, still talking about whatever new thing must be on social media.

"What is going on?" I ask, running my hand through my hair. "Where is Professor Mason?" Irene shrugs her shoulders and rubs one side of her temple, most likely from her constant headaches. She opens her laptop and searches on the internet to find out what everyone is so intrigued by. She clicks on a news website that a news journalist is seen before, what is unmistakably, the White House in Pennsylvania, but it has a massive hole on the southwest corner that is still burning. Firefighters spray their houses at the building and police surround them.

"Late last night," the news journalist says, "the White House suffered a devastating attack. President Willson did not survive. The cause of the attack was unmistakably the doing of two terrorists, Carter Langley and Barrett Arden, who were seen just outside of Washington D.C. The suicide bombers killed themselves, the President and managed to kill two other staff members at the White House. It's still unclear how the terrorists where able to get into the House and set the explosives. Vice President Adler is promising to do whatever he can to help the public through this difficult time. Late President Willson-"

"Alright,alright," a voice says. When I look up, I realize that about a quarter of theclass has gathered around us to watch. Professor Mason is at his desk settinghis briefcase down. "I know this is a great loss- for some people- to ourcountry but the world must go on. Open the documents that we started lastweek," he says.


Dedicated to @LettieRose2323 for waiting patiently for me to publish my stories :)

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