Sleep Deprived And Writing A Letter

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Anima woke up the night after her and Jinora saw the statue glow, she hadn't gotten much sleep because of Seeta, the spirit was active all night mumbling to herself about portals, a something convergence and a dark spirit. Anima didn't listen to her much as she was just so tired and wanted some sleep, but in the end she only got a few hours at best.

Anima rised from laying on the bed to be greeted with a smiling Kya, who was ready for the day but her smile stopped as she saw the tired look on Anima's face, the girls eyes were dull and lacked the normal brightness they would have, under her eyes were dark bags and to top it off her hair was all over the place, letting Kya know Anima had being tossing and turning though the night.

"didn't sleep well?" Kya asked as she sat in Anima's bed, the purple eyed girl nodded before laying her head on Kya's shoulder "I'm so tired" Anima whimpered out as Kya wrapped her arms around Anima, hugging her while stroking her brown hair "it's ok, get some more sleep, I'll tell Tenzin that you can't make training today" Kya says softly as she felt Anima nod in her arms "you're the best, Kya" she mumbled out before light snores could be heard.

Kya smiled as she knew the girl had fallen back to sleep, but she didn't leave yet, she continued to hold Anima a little longer, feeling like she was getting closer to the girl, like she hoping to do.

Interesting fact about Kya is she's lesbian, and has being having a secret relationship with non other then Anima's mother Lin Beifong, it all started when Lin lost her bending, she traveled to the south pole to see if Katara could get her bending back, but when she couldn't, Lin felt so lost.

She moped around for days mainly staying in the bedroom Katara had given her, that was untill Kya found out, she immediately went to Lin and comforted the woman, they layed together for hours, and for the first time in a long time, Lin felt truly happy, like her spirit was at peace with her body.

Kya felt it to, and when they woke up, locked eyes, leaning in together, and kissed, it ignighted something in them that seems to just get brighter and brighter the longer they kissed.

Lin knew what this ment, both her mothers had described what it was, it ment you found the one, and boy was Lin happy.

Kya was happy as well, because she'd had a crush in the first born Beifong for years, but never acted on it, believing Lin to be nothing more then straight, but the water bender thought the kiss they were sharing was worth the wait.

Kya shook her head lightly with a small blush on her face as she looked down to the still sleeping Anima, Kya lightly put the girls head back on her pillow and stood up "I hope you accept us, you're the most important one" Kya softly says to herself before kissing the girls forehead.

Anima lightly smiled as she moved a little, getting into a more comfortable position before more light snores came from her.

Kya left the room quietly letting the girl sleep, and then made her way out to see Tenzin waiting "Where's Ani? she should of being here 5 minutes ago" he says and Kya sighed "she's to tired, I saw her eyes and they were dull, she had bags under her eyes, so she's missing training today" Kya explained and Tenzin nodded slightly "I guess missing today won't hurt, do you know why she's so tired?" he asked his sister and she shrugged her shoulders "no, she just woke up and I could tell she was still tired"

"very well, we'll leave her to sleep" he says before walking off, Kya on the other hand went to a quiet room getting some paper and a quill and began to write her letter to Lin.

My love

we arrived at the southern Air Temple yesterday and have settled in, the people here are a little creepy, they just love air benders, a little to much.

Anima is ok apart from feeling super tired, I think the journey took a tole on her, but other then that she's fine, and I'm taking good care of her, and treating her as if she was my own daughter.

I hope you're ok to, I've missed you greatly and can't wait to feel you back in my arms again, to feel your lips on mine.

I hope your not over working yourself, I'd hate to think you're not getting enough sleep, and that your getting hurt by some criminal, when you have time, please write to me.


Kya  x🖤x

Kya smiled as she finished writing the letter, reading it over before placing a kiss upon the paper, leaving an imprint of her lips on the page, she then put it in a tube ready for a messenger Hawk to take.

She went to the room filled with messenger hawks and wrapped it to one of the birds backs "Republic city police station" she tells the bird and it flys off, Kya then went about her day.

Meanwhile Anima was finally sleeping peacefully, the spirit within her had calmed down enough that she wasn't waking up every two seconds. Right now she was dreaming about herself and Korra, sitting under a tree, herself stroking Korra's hair as she calmly hummed.

But the moment was gone as the image vanished and her eyes opened, Anima stretched hearing some slight cracking of her bones as she groaned with a smile and got out of her bed, she walked out of her shared room and walked the hallways before coming outside, it was around mid day and she saw Kya sitting on a rock reading a book.

"Hi Kya" she says with a raspy voice making the older woman look up from her book "Hi Ani, how was your sleep?" she asked closing her book focusing her attention on the young girl "it was good, I'm so grateful that you talked to dad" she says slitting next to Kya.

"it was no problem, you looked so tired I couldn't possibly let his boring training put you in a coma" she joked making Anima chuckle.

"so.... How's everyone today anyway?" Anima asked as she looked out to the stunning view.

"I'd say everyone is finally relaxing, well apart from the kids who just keep running around" Kya explained and Anima nodded "I'm happy, at least he'll have time to train me now" Anima smiled thinking of all the time she'll be able to spend with her father.

Kya smiled once again looking at the famous Beifong smile, she loved it so much and couldn't wait to see it on her favourite Beifong again.

"anyway, I'm gonna get ready, maybe me and dad could get a few hours in" Anima says before walking off, leaving Kya alone again to read her book.

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