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"Mom, Dad, I'm home!" I said as walked into my house, taking my shoes off.

No one answered, not that I really care, I headed towards the kitchen and opened the fridge. I grabbed a yogurt and closed the door again. Then I saw a note stuck on the fridge with a magnet, it was my Mom's handwriting.


we are heading out on a business trip, we'll be back on Sunday evening, don't get in trouble.

Mom and Dad.

I smiled, no parents for a week, that would be awesome. I headed upstairs to do my homework, which was not that much since it was only the first day of school.


"Thanks for hanging out with me Yeji," I said to my cousin as she walked into the house.

"No problem mah dude," she said making me smile, she's always so bubbly.

We sat down on the couch.

"So, what did you want me to come over?" She asked.

"Well, I need you to answer some questions I have," I said.

"You are finally going to cope with your emotions in a healthy way?" She said hopefully.

Yes, Yeji is like that, she is in the same year of high school as me but she has already made up her mind about studying Psychology and has read a million books on the topic, anyway, she is always reminding me that acting cold is not the right way to cope, that you are just neglecting your emotions, but that's not the point of this conversation.

"Uh, no," I said rolling my eyes.

"Aww," she whined pouting, "so what is it about then?"

"There is this boy in school that gave me and Min the school tour today and he saw right through me," I said, in an offended tone of voice.

"What do you mean by 'saw right through me'?" She said, her psychologist's side kicking in.

"He immediately realized that I'm not a naturally cold person," I said, she nodded in understanding.

"Could you describe his personality and his attitude towards people, also, what attitude do his friends have towards him?"

"He's very friendly, super happy and caring, he's super nice to everyone and unable to hold grudges. He's very innocent, maybe even naive, so his friends are very protective of him."

She kept silent for a few minutes thinking for a while.

"Okay, there are three possible explanations for this. The first one is, he's an observer, he likes to watch people. He has discovered the same patterns of behavior in people who act like you so he realized it immediately. Second, he's a phycology freak like me," She stopped and looked down.

"And the third?" I asked worriedly.

"The third and, by statistics most likely, is that he has been abused in the past or he's being abused right now."

My eyes widened.

"Abused?! By who?" I said, raising my voice.

"Well how am I supposed to know, there are lots of people who can abuse you, classmates, which would be bullying, family members or partners, which would be domestic violence, or even himself, if he has a low self-esteem," she clarified.

"But how are reading body language and abuse related?" I asked still confused.

"Do you know what passive-aggressive behavior is?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"It's a behavior characterized by indirect resistance to the demands of others and an avoidance of direct confrontation," she said, "basically a form of manipulation where someone pretends to be nice or just not aggressive when in reality their goal is to pressure the victim to do what they want," she said after seeing my confused face.

"So acting cold but insisting on something could be an example?" I asked trying to understand.

"Yes exactly. The passive-aggressive body language is the most difficult to read so if this boy named..." she started off expecting me to answer.


"If this boy named Felix has been constantly exposed to it, it's more likely for him to be able to decipher any type of body language unconsciously," she said, "do you understand?"

"Yeah, yes I do, thanks Yej," I said.

"No problem Hwang."

The afternoon went by smoothly but I couldn't get my mind off of what Yeji had said. Is Felix really exposed to abusive behavior? By who? Why? For how long? I think I'm starting to get worried for him.

Author's note:

FYI: I know nothing about psychology so I don't know if what I said is accurate or not, don't take any of it seriously.

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