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I was having breakfast, just some cereal with milk when I heard someone tripping over to the kitchen. I turned around to meet with Hyunjin rubbing his hip. I looked at him skeptically. He looked back at me.

"What?" he asked, "it's not my fault the door nob was in the way."

"It's not the door nob's fault you are so fucking clumsy," I replied with a smirk.

"Well, someone is in a good mood," he said rolling his eyes as he grabbed an apple and started eating it, "you remember what you have to do today right?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, yes I do. I have to apologize to that Felix boy, you have been telling me since last night, I'm not Dory. I remember things."

"Well, sometimes you like to 'forget' certain stuff, so I'm here to remind you, just in case," he said making quotation marks as he said the word 'forget'.



I was grabbing my history books when I heard a few female voices squealing and whispering, I turned around to see what all the fuss was about. And, not to my surprise, Minho and Hyunjin were walking down the school as if they owned it.

I know I said I am not able to hold grudges, but I hate when people walk around the world with superiority complexes or attitudes, it just pisses me off.

I turned around to keep minding my own business knowing damn well that in their world I had zero relevance. Sure, Hyunjin apologized, but just because he did, doesn't mean that we're going to be best friends, he just felt sorry for me.

I closed my locker and started walking away until I collided with someone. The smell of leather filled my nostrils as I realized that the person's chest I had walked into was wearing a leather jacket.

I looked up and met with two dark orbs looking at me coldly, Minho, and I felt another strong presence behind me, Hyunjin. I was in between the two and suddenly, I felt so small compared to their strong aura. I blushed lightly and looked down. Wait, why am I blushing?

I felt both of them smirk.

"Can I talked to you, Felix?" Minho asked, his voice was really soft compared to his image.

I recomposed myself.

"Yes, what do you need?" I said gripping my books hard, I was nervous he would say something to me again, but he wouldn't do that in front of Hyunjin, right?

"I wanted to apologize for how I treated you yesterday. I do talk coldly to people but yesterday I crossed the line so I'm sorry. Can you accept my apologies?" He said looking at me intensely.

"Yes, don't worry, I accept them. It's all forgiven," I said and smiled at him.

He smirked at me and left.

"Bye Lix, see you around," Hyunjin said and smiled lightly before he left.

"Oh my God, why are they so hot," I widen my eyes at my own statement, "What the hell Felix, don't fall for them, your parents are going to kill you if you fall for not only one, but two bad, cold boys. Like, shut the fuck up," I said talking to myself, as I mentally beat myself up for starting to let my hard hang low.

THE GOOD AND THE BAD - DANCERACHAWhere stories live. Discover now