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I was getting out of math class when I heard a voice calling me, it was the principal. I turned around to where the voice came from, I frowned. Not only was the principal there but also the two new boys, Hyunjin and Minho. I walked over to them still confused, why would they want to talk to me?

"Hi Mr. Lee, I was talking with Minho and Hyunjin about the school tour and they told me everything went really well, I just wanted to know what was your opinion on it, would you like to add anything?"

I froze at those words, what was I supposed to say? Was the correct thing to say the truth, or should I lie and defend them? Forgive them and give them a new chance?

I realized I had stayed quiet for too long when the principal spoke to me in a worried tone of voice.

"Mr. Lee? Did they lie? Did something happen? Are you okay?"


When those words came out of the principal's mouth I started panicking. I knew that Minho had always told me to not care about the consequences, but the thought of getting in trouble on the first day of school was frightening. Besides, after that Chan dude told us that Felix had cried, I kind of felt bad.

I tried to get his attention by looking at him, after a while I finally made it. I tried to give him my best puppy eyes and forgiving look I could. He smiled at me.


I noticed someone looking at me, it wasn't Minho so I turned my head in Hyunjin's direction. He was looking at me, his eyes held sorrow, regret, almost as if he was begging for me to forgive me. I don't like holding grudges, it's more painful for the person that holds them that the person you are holding grudges against.

I smiled at him, not a 'f*ck you, I'm going to tell him' kind of smile but a 'don't worry, I forgive you' kind of smile.

"Oh, no Mr. principal, don't think about them like that, they are very good people, they thanked me after the tour, and we even talked a bit before classes started." I smiled again while looking at them, "they were, are very nice people, even though I don't know them much I'm sure we will get along just fine in the future." I took my phone out of my pocket to look at the time, "I would like to keep talking but I have to go meet my friends at the cafeteria, they must be waiting for me."

"Sure Mr. Lee, thank you for the feedback."

"No problem, goodbye Mr. principal, goodbye Hyungies." I smiled at them.

I turned around and ran off to the cafeteria.


Hey everyone, it's been a while since I posted, so I just wanted to say I'm sorry for that. 

The second thing is that I'm going to stop posting once a week and I'm going to start posting every time I can, if not I kind of feel pressured, and I don't want to have to constantly lie to you guys.

With this being said, I hope you liked this chapter.

Enjoy and stay safe~

THE GOOD AND THE BAD - DANCERACHAWhere stories live. Discover now