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Soon after, the dance class was over, so I went towards the instructor to tell him I still wanted to leave. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that Hyunjin and Minho took my advice, but I don't really see the need to try again.

To my surprise, both Hyunjin and Minho stayed back as well, oh boy, this is going to be a shitshow.

"Hi, I just wanted to inform you that I'm still leaving-," I was cut off by Hyunjin.

"Please, Felix, can you listen to us for a moment, please?" Minho nodded in agreement at his words.

I sighed.

"As I was saying before I got interrupted, I'm maintaining my initial decision." I finished, glaring at Hyunjin.

The teacher sighed.

"Felix, I think it would be better if I leave you three here to talk before we make any decisions..."

"But you promised!" I exclaimed.

The older male put his hands up in defense.

"I know I did, but I think things have changed since the last time we spoke. if after talking to them you're still not convinced, then you can leave."

I scoffed.

"That's what you said the last two times, and the last two times were lies."

"Felix, just listen to them, please," he sighed, "besides, I don't think you realize how much of a good dancer you are. It would be a shame to lose you as a dancer."

"Okay, fine."

The teacher smiled at me before leaving the room.

I turned my body towards the two other boys in the room, waiting for them to talk. Minho started.

"Look Felix, first of we wanted to apologize to you. It was very wrong for us to dismiss you and your experience-"

"Why did you dismiss me?" I asked.

"What?" Minho asked.

"What was the reason you thought my ideas weren't good enough? Be honest, or if not, I'm sure I'm going to say no."

"Maybe because you were self-taught, and your bubbly personality, we didn't think you could pull the concept of the song off..." Hyunjin said, getting quieter as he kept talking.

"Okay, now that you've said that out loud, and you've been proven wrong, do you realize how stupid you sound?" I asked they nodded.

"Yes we do Felix, and we're so sorry about it, it was very wrong, but please, your ideas made us win, we need you in our dance team..." Hyunjin said.

"Please, can we get another chance?" Minho added.

I thought for a moment. It's true that if I stay I would be able to learn a lot, but having to stand them every day for at least an hour and a half after school hours...

"Okay fine," I said, both of them cheered, "but, under two conditions, our relationship will be strictly professional, dance partners, and dance partners only. And, unless I say otherwise don't talk to me outside practice or workshop hours. If you must then use the chat group we have, do I make myself clear?" I asked.

Both of them nodded smiling.

"As clear as water."

"Thanks for another chance Felix, we won't waste it, we promise."

"Yeah, sure," I said as I grabbed my things, exiting the room.

THE GOOD AND THE BAD - DANCERACHAWhere stories live. Discover now