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"Absolutely not! Out of the question!" Minho retorted with all his might.

"Oh, c'mon hyung, it's a good movie!" Felix pleaded.

"Screw that Lix, it's the BEST movie ever!" Hyunjin exclaimed, putting emphasis on the word best.

"Is there any reason you don't want to watch it? Is it too pink for such a masculine man like you?" Felix teased, a glint of mischievousness in his eyes.

Minho snorted.

"No, the problem is that I know 'Legally Blonde's script by heart, Hyunjin has watched this movie way too many times to be considered healthy.

Felix gasped.

"It's your favorite movie?" Hyunjin nodded, "it's my favorite movie too!"

They both smiled at each other before looking at Minho, the same smirk plastered on each of their faces.

"We're watching it," they said at the same time.

"Good Lord," Minho responded, "I really don't appreciate you two ganging up on me like this," he didn't receive an answer, "fine," he sighed, "we're watching 'Legally Blonde', but don't blame me if I fall asleep halfway through."

Hyunjin snickered.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure you don't."


"You, however, had time to hide the gun,didn't you, Chutney? After you shot yourfather?" Hyunjin and Felix finished reciting, then they squealed and high-fived excitedly.

"You two need therapy," Minho said, rolling his eyes.

"We are in therapy," both of them answered.

"Wait," Felix paused, "you also go to therapy?"

Hyunjin nodded.

"Remember that time we blew you off when you asked us why we were leaving school earlier?" Felix nodded, "well sorry about that, but I was kind of apprehensive of anyone else knowing so yeah, I had an appointment."

"Oh," Felix said, the memory suddenly rushing back into his mind, it seemed so insignificant now, compared to the massive confusion and slight hurt it had caused that day, "that's okay, but there were nicer ways to tell me it wasn't any of my business."

"I know, sorry about that."

"It has been long forgiven, you're fine."

By the end of that conversation, the graduation scene was in play. The three of them sat back on the couch, Felix in the middle of the two other boys. As the credits began to roll, the three of them stayed in that position, too comfortable to move. Slowly, Felix's head settled on Minho's shoulder until it got down to his chest for a more comfortable position. Minho's hand absentmindedly made its way to his hair and started playing with it. Hyunjin, upon seeing how comfortable Felix was with the physical contact, pressed himself against his back, wrapping an arm around his middle and laying his head on the younger's shoulder blade, spooning him gently. And like that, cuddled up together, they fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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