Chapter 29: Party Day

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It was finally the day I've been waiting for. The day of the party which I've been really looking forward to the last few days.

However the day of my leaving party meant that it was the day I would meet Liam's old high school friends and I have to admit, I was pretty nervous. I shouldn't be nervous but if you're anything like me and you have extreme social anxiety, then you'll know exactly how I feel. The thing about anxiety is that ever since I had it, I don't even know what it's like to be nervous anymore. There is a huge difference between the two, but now all I have is anxiety or no anxiety. I'm just never 'nervous' anymore.

If there's one thing that's been on my mind the last 3 days other than the leaving party, is that I haven't told Cameron about my moving and in all honesty I don't exactly know why I haven't told him. Maybe I was scared of his reaction. Maybe I didn't want him to know at all. Maybe I wasn't allowed to tell him because a certain someone told me to back away from him.

Regardless of my reasoning, I hadn't told Cameron about the move. So far only Liam & Hannah knew which I was absolutely fine with.

Right now my body was sprawled on the sofa, remote in my hand as I flick through all of the channels. Everything was just so boring, either that or I wasn't even in the mood to watch TV. I sigh and just put on a random show.

"Leee!!" Hannah calls from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah?!" I shouted back.

"Come up now! Let's get ready for the party! It starts in exactly four hours!!" She shouts.

I quickly pull my blanket off me and run up the stairs taking two steps at a time to see Hannah's back to me. I could see that she was rummaging through her bag trying to get something.

"Ah there it is!" She says

"What?" I ask and she holds up one of the most gorgeous dresses I have ever seen in my life.

"Wow" Is all that comes out my mouth. The dress was truly stunning I had to admit. It was dark blue and had just the right shape to my liking. It was short but not too short and it was the kind of dress that you look at and think 'I would look good in that' I guess you could say it was..perfect.

"Isn't it gorgeous Leela?" Hannah asks.

I admire the dress for a moment "it's beautiful" I hold it in my hand and stare at it.

"Oh and did I mention, its for you" Hannah adds.

I stare at her with a shocked expression.

"M-me why me?" I say pointing to myself.

She chuckles at my facial expression "Yeah it's for you Leela"

"No way. I can't have this, you bought it so you wear it and let's not lie, you would look ten times better in that than I would" I say to her.

"Leela why can't you see that your beautiful? Everyone knows it but you. Please just wear it! It's a gift!" She says.

"Come on Leela" She adds with pleading eyes.

"Okay fine" I say.

"Yay!" She says and excitedly claps her hands.

"Wait what are you wearing?"

"Forget me this is all about you babe" She says

"Now come on we need to get you ready!" She pulls at my hand.

"Okay okay" We laugh in excitement.


I look at myself one more time in the mirror. By now I had showered, my hair was done, my outfit was on and my makeup was done. Hannah decided it was best to wear a natural makeup look for today as her main aim was to 'enhance' my natural features. Although it was simple, it suited me and I liked it. Hannah created some beachy curls for my hair which I was very pleased with.  I decided to go for a black nail polish with gold glitter at the top of the nails. Of course Hannah did it for me. I'm rubbish at painting my nails because I hardly wear nail polish.

In fact Hannah did everything for me and I couldn't thank her enough.

"Alright are you ready to go?" She asks and I nod my head.

We walk to Hannah's car and buckle up before she starts the car up and drive.

I heard my phone buzz telling me I had a text. I open the text up to see Liam's name.

Hey when are you coming? Liam

Just got in the car. Should be there soon x - Me

Okay see ya - Liam

I close my phone and lay my eyes for a bit when I feel someone slap my arm.

"What was that for Hannah!?" I say and rub my arm. That girl is strong.

"You're gonna ruin your makeup!" She says.

"So, I'm not even wearing that much" I say back.

"Still you're wearing-"

"Just carry on driving please" I chuckle. This girl was crazy.

It was silent for a minute.

"So how does your friend Liam look? Is he hot?" She asks.

"Yeah I would say he's hot. In fact I think you two would make a cute couple" I say. They really would. I could only picture it and honestly it looked like it could work.

"How about you and Cameron? You lot would be even more cute I bet" I blush at her comment. Yeah right we would. The guy doesn't even know I was basically crushing on him.

Oh Cameron. I didn't even tell him about any of this.


I hope you enjoyed this spontaneous little chapter. Please remember to vote & feel free to comment your thoughts/opinions. I would love to know what you think so far ❤️

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