Chapter 24: Shopping, Singing & Movies

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Me and Cameron grab a basket as we head inside the supermarket. We needed to get food for our movie night which was so exciting as we were planning on watching the new Maze Runner.

We walk around until we find the junk food isle which had things like, fizzy pop, all types of crisps, chocolates, sweet, popcorn and a bunch of other delicious snacks. I instantly feel excitement and big smile forms on my face as I run to the sweets and chocolates and throw it all in my basket. Cameron laughs at how childish I looked

"You're such a little kid" He teases.

"Shut up food makes me happy and it's amazing!" I defend as I throw more random food in the basket.

He rolls his eyes

"Whatever Leela" He says as he grabs a huge cocoa cola.

"No get the sprite!" I moan. As weird as this sounds, I wasn't the biggest fan of cocoa cola. Although it was really popular I didn't love it as much as other people did.

"What?! Cocoa Cola is the best!" His eyebrows scrunch together.

"But Sprite is better!" I scream, a bit louder than I intended to be.

We look back to notice a woman and probably her husband stare at the two of us as if we had lost the plot. We look at each other and realise how stupid we probably looked, fighting over what drink to buy, when we could just get both.

We quickly look away and give each other that look. I couldn't help but giggle quietly at how dumb we were together.


After we finished putting everything in the trolley we went to go pay.

"And that would be.....£67.89 please" The cashier lady says.

Wow! We bought a lot of food. Before I could get my money I look up to see that someone had already paid £70 I look to my side and see Cameron put his wallet in his pocket.

"Cameron.. You should've of let me pay!"

"Whoops my wallet slipped" He replies.

I see the same woman and the guy we saw earlier on the till next to us and they stare at us a again. I feel uncomfortable and I was annoyed. But then I think about what happened just a few minutes ago and decide to shut up. I think we embarrassed ourselves enough then.


After we put everything in the car we buckle up and he starts driving.

Whilst we were in the car we were hearing the Capital Radio Station. We jumped when we heard 'Carry Me' by Kygo & Julia Michaels. It was one of our favourite songs of all time. We would listen to it non stop when we were younger. We loved it!!

We started jumping around singing it as loud as we can and since the windows were open the car behind us horned for us to shut up.

At first we didn't care really, but then we saw him and lord he was hella scary.

We quickly changed the station and instantly 'Thinking out loud' by Ed Sheeran plays. We both sing along to the relaxing tune.

After the song finished Cameron just looked at me with a weird look on his face.

"Erm...why are you looking at me like that?" I question him looking away.

"You have got such a beautiful voice." Is all he says and I blush. Oh god how embarrassing.

BAD BOY BULLY (Completed) | MIKEYISANGELICWhere stories live. Discover now