Chapter 14: Falling

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After my ridiculous argument with Cameron, I decided that I wasn't gonna let it get to me. All I'm going to do, is have a nice night out with Adam. That's all I need. Not Cameron to bug me.

Moving on. I was wearing the white lace dress that Cameron had chose for me. I was actually debating whether I should wear it or not after what had happened with Cameron, but that didn't matter anymore. I put my hair into a side messy bun with black high wedges which were already killing my feet. I knew it was a bad idea to pick these shoes, but it's worth it.

I decided I would go for a simple makeup and finish it off with a red lipstick as I thought it really complimented the white dress.

It was now 7:01 pm which meant that Adam will be at my door any minute. Not a minute later I hear a knock and open it to see Adam wearing a maroon shirt with his same black skinny jeans.

"Hey Leela. You look amazing" He says looking me up and down, which I have to admit made me feel a little uncomfortable.

"Hey" I reply back.

"You ready to go?" He asks me and I respond with a simple yes.

I step outside with him closing  the door behind me. We walk to Adam's car boy was this guy rich!

However something felt weird. It was like someones eyes were glued to me and Adam. I look around the street and my eyes immediately make contact with Cameron, who was at his window staring at us like he was ready to kill someone. I give him a look and he  shakes his head at me. I roll my eyes. Like I said, I won't let Cameron get to me tonight.


We were finally here. God I was starving already. I could smell pasta with sauce (also known as my favourite food) all the way from the entrance.

"Let's go over there" Adam says with a slight smirk on his face which kind of made me suspicious but I didn't really think anything of it.

He points to a table and we make our way over. However the girl next to us was making me feel slightly uncomfortable. She just stared and I could tell something was up. What's her problem? She was sat in front of a guy who looked as if he was telling his life story to her. Though she didn't look interested at all. She seemed to be giving more attention to us which made me a little suspicious. I don't understand why he would even pick to sit next to table with the girl giving me death stares. Wasn't he aware of her?  Because if I was him I'll try my best to stay away from the girl.

I convinced myself that she was  probably just on her period or something and shrugged it off.

A man walks over to take orders and of course I order a pasta salad with lemonade. Adam orders a lasagne with a coke.

"You look really hot" Adam says. Quite loud actually. Well loud enough for the girl who gave me daggers earlier to to shift uncomfortably in her seat. I don't wanna seem paranoid but I had a feeling this girl probably knew Adam. She was just acting so strange. She for sure wasn't just a stranger to him.

" Um..Thank you?" I say but it came out more like a question to me.

A boring and awkward fifteen minutes later the man came back with our food and drink. I didn't waste any time digging into my food because honestly this date wasn't the best and the girl sat next to our table made this whole situation much more uncomfortable.

"You've got a little something over there. Here let me get it" Adam says pointing at the corner of my lips but from the corner of my eyes I see him smirk at the girl next to us. I didn't know what to do now. Cameron can't be right, right? Or is it the fact that I don't want him to be right?

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