Chapter 13: Jealousy?

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It was finally Friday. The day I'll be having dinner with Adam. We barely even know each other and here I am deciding what to wear to dinner with him. I was for sure nervous but for the past two days I've been waiting for this day to arrive so I should rather feel more excited.

I have exactly 4 hours until he comes to pick me up, but a girl needs time to get ready right?

I rummage through my wardrobe trying to put together an outfit but I wasn't to sure on what to wear just yet. At this point I wish I had someone to help me decide. I could call Hannah but I'm pretty sure she went to meet an old high school friend or something. Great. No one is available to help me pick an outfit. Or is there...

I pull out my phone

Cameron: "Hello"

Leela: "Hey"

Cameron: "Hey Leela what's up?"

Leela: "Nothing. I'm actually trying to find an outfit for dinner with.. someone. And I was just wondering if you wanted to help me get ready"

Cameron: "Uhh sure why not. May I ask...who are you having dinner with?"

Leela: "I'm having dinner with..." Do I tell him? It doesn't feel right.

Cameron: "Yeah...?"

Leela: "Umm...with a friend I know. Just came over and you can help me get ready! Bye" I say the last part quickly and hang up before he could say anything. Why am I not telling him though? Like seriously, he wouldn't care about who I go out with...right?

It wasn't long before I heard a knock on the door. He did live next door after all, so I expected him to be here in less than two minutes.

I open the door to be greeted with a cute looking Cameron. Wait...I can't call him cute! It's just a friendly way cute right?


"Hey, come in" He nods and walks in.

"Let's go upstairs" I say. He responds with a simple nod as he follows me up the stairs.

"Nice bedroom" He says looking around at my room.


"Is that you and me?" He points to a picture. It was hung up on the wall as Cameron walks up to the photograph slowly.

"We look so young" He says staring at the picture. I could tell he was shocked but I guess happy to it.

It was me and him on his 8th birthday. He looked so cute as a child. I actually remember how he used to put olive oil in his hair because he always wanted a quiff. Now his hair is beyond perfection.

"Yeah we do" We both just stand there for at least 5 seconds observing the picture frame. It was probably one of the best days me and Cameron ever had together. All I could remember was him and me stuffing our faces with chocolate cake and then it turning into a chocolate cake food fight. We messed up the whole kitchen and the living room. His mom was so mad at the both of us which we surely expected after realising what a mess we had made. But she soon got over it after we apologised to her repeatedly. It was for sure a day I could never forget.

"How do you still have this picture of us?"  He asks, now giving his full attention to me.

"I always kept it. I mean cmon, you can't just expect me to throw it away or anything" I answer. He gives me a warm smile that I couldn't describe, but it made my heart melt and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Oh yeh, left your jacket here, from the other day. I forgot to give it back and since you're here now, might as well take it" I say pointing to his jacket.

"Oh thanks. I was looking for this like crazy" He says chuckling slightly.

"Anyway, so would you like to choose an outfit for me to wear?"

"Yep" He nods and I open my wardrobe for him.

"Go on" I say.

"Okay, let's see, how about this? You would look great" He says, holding up a red dress.

"Too bright" I speak shaking my head.

"Okay how about this?" Now holding up a boring grey jumper.

"Nah. It looks like I'm having a night in with that one"

"Oh, then how about this?" He says holding up a beautiful white lace dress, that I didn't even know I had. It was a very pretty dress though.

"Yeah, I like this one" I say admiring the dress myself.

"Why are you getting so fancied dressed anyway? It's just dinner with a friend right?" He says making me a bit nervous.

"I just felt a know..I felt like I wanted to wear something a bit more different today. And yeah it's just dinner with a friend" I reassure him. Little did he know, a guy friend, a hot guy friend that I stupidly kinda have a crush on.

"And who is this friend? Do I know her?" Dammit! What do I say now? Ugh, I'm getting tired. It wouldn't matter if I told him anyway. What will he do anyway? Kill me? Kill Adam?

"No. In fact, he's a boy. A- Adam. one of Liam's friend" I say half stuttering the sentence. I swear I instantly saw jealousy in Cameron's eyes. But he wouldn't be jealous right?

" you know him? " He asks. I don't know why I was nervous. He obviously wouldn't care.

"Not really but I'm hoping we can get to know each other a little bit tonight" This was true.

There was a minute silence.

"Look, you never know this guy may be using you. He's probably one of those people, who just use girls and next minute you know dump them not even a second later" He says. How dare he!?

"Says you! Your the one who bullied me in the first place and used girls! And you don't even know him! So don't act like you're my father Cameron, because you're not! And you are no one to tell me what to do!" I shout at him. He can't control me. Who does he think he is? Just all of a sudden talking trash about someone who he's hardly ever met.

"Look, I said I was sorry about the bullying a long time ago! And I'm sorry that you're still not over it either! But I'm trying to change here for you, Leela!" He fires back.

"Well if you have changed, then don't tell me what to do! In fact just leave me alone!" I say back.

"Whatever then I don't care. Go to dinner with this 'Adam' dude, but let me tell you something" He comes closer to my face making my heart beat rapidly.

"He won't last long" He whispers.

He was about to walk out of the room, when I spot his jacket still sitting on my bed.

"Cameron?" I call out.

"What?" He answers calm but angrily.

"Your jacket" I say passing it over to him. He takes the jacket from my hand and I plop down on my bed and sigh.

What the f*ck just happened?

This is one of my favourite chapters to write so I hope you liked it. Make sure to vote and comment! Love you! Have a good year! :)

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