Chapter 34: Time To Explain

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Liam's pov

I bend down and pick up the rest of the rubbish from the party. I didn't even realise I had been doing this for the past twenty minutes. I guess I was just so lost in my own thoughts about everything that happened earlier this day.

It was not my intention for the party to end like this and I just wished it could've been different. I couldn't help but think this could've been almost my fault. If I didn't plan this day, it wouldn't have happened. Gosh why am I such an idiot sometimes.

I pull my phone out and instantly shoot a text to Leela. In all honesty I didn't want to have a full on conversation with her. Maybe she just needs some space right now to gather her thoughts. I haven't been friends with her for long but I know her very well. I knew she didn't want to ever feel pressured about anything and I respected that.

Liam: I'm so sorry for today

I press send and instantly push my phone in my pocket again. I didn't really want to talk in case she was still in a mood. Instead I carry on picking rubbish and unintentionally continue to think about tonight.

I didn't want Leela to go with these awful memories. I wanted her to enjoy her last few days here with her friends and ultimately just wanted to make this party the best night of her life. I can't believe Nicole would do this. Why would she even step foot into this house? What does she even have against Leela? In my opinion i always believed it was jealousy. I always thought that and always said that to Leela too. However Leela doesn't think the same. She just always says 'but why would anyone be jealous of me' Okay Leela didn't have the best life but she certainly has the looks, grades and overall has a beautiful personality. That is everything a girl needs in order to make another envy her. Nicole didn't have any of that. Especially not the personality. I haven't known her for long but she definitely didn't have the best reputation. Yes guys were drawn to her fake ass and boobs but that personality was horrible. She was evil and cruel and had absolutely no respect for anything or anyone.

Its weird because I don't even remember inviting her yet she was the one who ruined everything.

I growl in frustration and slam the rubbish in the bin.

Suddenly I hear my phone buzz indicating I got a text. My eyes slightly widen knowing Leela had texted back

I cross my fingers hoping she's okay.

I pull my phone out to see what she had replied only to be surprised that it wasn't even her who texted back. It was Cameron?

C- I need to tell you something important so come over. I'm planning on doing a special surprise for Leela. Text me back when you get this.

L- Ok I'm coming in a bit.

I text back putting my phone back in my pocket, and then grabbing my jacket to make my way to Cameron's house.

I wonder what he had in mind.


I lock my car door and instantly see Leela outside throwing out her rubbish. I quickly hide behind my car and then a few seconds later she's gone so I carry on walking to Cameron's door.

Hannah's pov

I feel really sorry for Leela. She didn't deserve her party being ruined. I really want to go in her room and tell her everything was okay. But I knew she was upset at the moment. I decided to give her space. She'll come back.

My phone suddenly buzzes indicating that I had text. Probably my mum asking how I'm doing and stuff. Blah blah what not.

But it's not when I read Cameron's name light up on my screen.

C- I need to tell you something important so come over. I'm planning on doing a special surprise for Leela. Text me back when you get this.

H- I'll be there in 2 minutes.

I reply and shut my phone. I grab my jacket since it's quite cold outside right now and then open the door but before I can close it I hear Leela say

"Where are you going?" What was I gonna say? I has to stall Leela somehow. I mean Cameron clearly said it was a surprise for her and thats not something I will ruin.

"Um...there's no milk in the fridge and I need a coffee so I'm going to the market " Nice one Hannah! kinda.

"Umm...ok bye and be quick" She says and I nod before shutting the door. Yikes thaw was close.

Leela's pov

"Umm....ok bye and be quick" I say.
Who goes out to the market to buy milk at this time? It was 8pm. I shrug and walk over to the fridge and see if there's anything to eat.

Yogurt. no
Cucumbers. eww no
Milk. no- wait I thought there wasn't any milk left?

Is it just me or am I missing something?

I shrug it off. I'm not really in the mood right now.

Liam's pov

Me, Cameron and Shawn wait for Hannah to come. Yes Shawn. Leela was friends with him.

Soon enough we hear a knock on the door and Cameron stands up to open it.

Hannah smiles and walks in. Why did I never notice how beautiful she was?

She had chocolate brown hair, beautiful eyes that I could just get lost into. And her smile.. her smile was absolutely gorgeous.

But she was looking at me in a way a
I can't describe...

And I was doing the same...

Cameron's pov

Now that I've got them all here it's time for me to explain the plan...

Hello everyone!

Hope you enjoyed that weird, confusing chapter!

Before you go I wanna thank eagle4 for being one of the best readers of my book!

Check out her poem called 'FEELINGS' it's absolutely beautiful.

Also my social media is here-

Instagram - lnnocentlies (with an L at the beginning 😉)

Have a fab day xx

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