Chapter 7: Shocked Liam & Slicing Skin

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Although most people would consider lunch their favourite time of the whole school day, I still had a miserable time. Not like my misery will ever end. But I'm afraid to say, that's the truth. I'm sure you can guess who made it so miserable for me.

I walk out of the long queue, relief evident in my face. The people in the line basically become animals when it comes to food. I don't even understand why, considering the food in this school wasn't even all that.

My eyes instantly search for Liams figure in the huge bunch that was already sat down. As I continue to look around I see him, already waving at me. He knew I was searching for him and just waited for me to notice him. I pull a small smile as I walk over and sit beside him.

"It's about time" He says laughing at how lost I probably looked less than 10 seconds ago.

"Oh shut up how am I meant to see you when you're literally in the middle of everyone" I defend putting my bag down.

"Well sorry I couldn't find the place you normally sit" He waves his arm up in guilt and I just laugh.

"Whatever Liam" I laugh and take a bite of my slice of pizza.

As we start to talk and get more comfortable, unexpectedly, I hear footsteps behind me but I didn't care to turn. That was until I felt a cold liquid spill on my head.

I turned around to see Cameron and the other 2 *sses standing their looking at me.

"Oops" Cameron says sarcastically.

Liam was just sat there shocked at what had just happened.

My eyes were getting watery so I quickly ran to the bathroom hoping no one would notice the tears that are starting to spill.

The first thing I did when I came to the bathroom was attempt to take the wet milk (I think) out of my now disgusting hair.

Aw it's only been a day since I had this  new hair and they've already put milk in it. After crying my eyes out, I looked through my bag for my blade and cut about 3 times on my wrist. It felt good yet so bad.

When I was cleaning up that's when Liam ran through the bathroom doors. I quickly put my sleeves down silently praying to myself that he didn't notice.

"Oh my god Leela are you ok?" He says worriedly rushing to my side instantly.

"Honestly, It's fine Liam. Just forget it" I say quickly.

"Leela? Can I ask you something?"
He asks and my heart beats, thinking he'd ask if I cut.

"Yeh?" I nervously reply.

"Do they mess with you like that all the time like...basically bully you?" F*ck. He knows. Should I tell him? Eh. I knew he'll find soon so I guess I should tell him anyway before he would find out in another horrid way.

After a long minute of silence I finally gave in.

"Yeh, they bully me" I say quietly. I sigh.

"I knew it! Those f*ckers. Since when?" Liam questions angrily.

"Since I started this school" I say feeling the water in my eyes and eventually down my cheeks.

"Come here" Liam says hugging me tightly. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He asks.

"How could I?" I say sobbing in his chest.

"Listen, if there's anything else please tell me because I'm gonna be here for you. I promise. So? Is they're anything else you have to tell me?" I'm not gonna tell him I cut.

I wipe my tears before answering.

"No nothing else" I lie as I wipe my tears once again.

"Good. Now let's go to class before we get late " He says.

Honestly creating these fictional characters for this book makes me wish they were real people in my life. Like seriously who wouldn't want a friend like Liam? The drastic change in Leelas life was solely because of him to be fair. He's a saviour :)

TWITTER: @Lostboyhs
INSTAGRAM: @lnnocentlies

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