Sequel: (Part 2)

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Me and Cameron walk back to his car. His hand was placed around me safely and so was mine.

"Um....I'm really busy today but Liam wanted to take you out for dinner tonight" Cameron says.

"Look Cameron, I'd love to but I really can't because all I want and all I need right now is some sleep" I answer rubbing my spinning head.

"Okay but wake up before 6 because he really wants to take you out" He says and my facial expression turns confused.

"Why?" I ask him.

"Because he really wants to take you out tonight" He says.

"Okay. Fine" I agree. I wasn't in the mood for questioning him anyway.


I was finally ready, I don't know what Cameron meant by "he's busy" Oh my god! Please don't say he's cheating. No! He's not! I tell myself. Cameron wouldn't do that after we had visited my parents's grave yard. I know he wouldn't. It feels stupid to think that.

I wasn't really wearing anything special. Just jeans, a baggy jumper, some flats, a little bit of makeup, and tied my hair into a messy bun, not really caring about how it looks. Honestly I wasn't even bothered about how I looked today. I'm just not in the mood.

I hear a knock on the door and open it to see Liam standing there wearing a fancy suit and tie with a bunch of red roses in his hands. When he sees me his face turned into a frown.

"No no Leela you are not wearing that to dinner with me, here take this outfit because you'll need it" He says shaking his head at my outfit.

"It's just dinner, don't you think I'll look a bit over the top for this. It's just you and me" I say pointing to the dress.

"Just wear it Lee" He says handing me the dress.

I run up the stairs and quickly change before applying more make up because this dress was beautiful and I can't just wear boring make up with it. After I do my make up I curl my hair, so I have loose wavy curls. I could say I looked alright.

I put all the accessories and shoes on before walking down the stairs.

"Wow Lee, you look beautiful. A special boy told me to bring these beautiful roses to you" He says.

"Ok Liam, I'm confused, why are you giving me these when we're going dinner? Why are you and I dressed like we're going to a some royal dinner party? And which special boy? Tell me Liam!" I shout confused.

"Calm down Leela, just follow me" He says and makes me follow him to a limo which was absolutely nuts. The last time I remember being in a limo was 14 maybe 15 years ago.

"Oh my god Liam! This is awesome! Is that for us!?" I ask excitedly pointing to the limo.

"Yes of course Leela" He replies and opens the door for me. I get in the car and It was even more awesome inside. It literally felt like I was just dreaming and all of this was some big joke.

Liam gets in the car and starts driving. Wow how can he afford this thing?

After a bit we make it to a familiar place. It's the place Cameron told me he loves me. Never EVER will I forget that amazing day. The day I had the most fun in my life.

"Liam I thought we were going to eat? What are we doing here instead?" I ask and he smirks and says

"Follow me Lee"

This is just like another confusing day for me.

I walk in and everyone is there. Some of my family, my new friends, and my amazing boyfriend,

Cameron Dallas

"Leela, you look..amazing" He says and I can't help but blush.

"Leela, please know that I love you and I will always keep you safe" He says.

"Of course Cameron why?"

"Because" He gets on one knee and I knew exactly what was going to happen. He was going to do it wasn't he? Change my life.

"Leela Anderson, will you do a huge favour and marry me?" He asks

"I don't think I'll like that Cameron" I say and everyone gasps shocked at what I had said.

"Leela...but I thought-" Cameron says.

"I would f*cking love that! Of course you idiot come here" I shout happily. spins me around.

"She said yes!" Cameron shouts and everyone cheers for us!

My life is complete! I love Cameron! I really truly do. He's the only person who makes me smile without trying. And I love him for everything.

Cameron hugs me and in my ear whispers

"Good girl gracious"

"My EX Bad boy bully" I whisper back.

Ily sm! I hope you are enjoying the weekends. Although you might not even be reading this on the weekends. I don't know. But I really hope that everything's good in your life.

I really miss me writing chapters and replying to comments. I can't thank any of you enough because I don't know how to.

Writing bad boy bully was so much fun. I thought that it would jus be a boring story for all of you, but it seems as if a lot of you enjoyed it. (Hopefully)

Thanks to 4.69K reads and 245 votes. I hope those numbers gain soon. My goal is to reach 5K reads. and 255 votes. And hopefully it works.

Please vote and comment.

Remember I love you all! Hope you have a nice day. Byeeeeee

mikeyisangelic xox ;)

BAD BOY BULLY (Completed) | MIKEYISANGELICWhere stories live. Discover now