Chapter 12: Decisions, Popcorn & Party

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" and Cameron made up?" The topic of the question hits me like a rock.

Liam speaks, his voice sounding very hesitant. He was probably thinking 'why would your dumbass forgive someone who treated you like shit for years so fast' To be fair, I couldn't blame him to be thinking that. To be completely honest, I knew the whole thing happened so damn quickly and I didn't expect it at all either.

Last week Cameron Dallas was my bully. Now? Suddenly things have changed. It's so weird to think that we're on 'good terms' I still couldn't get my head round it. I continued to question if I had made the right decision by giving him another chance or not. Believe me, it was a tough decision after all. Even though my mind reminded me of all the cruel things he had done to me and all the emotions he made me feel, a piece of my heart told me he would change. I hope he will.

But right now, I just need some kind of support that I have made the right decision. I'm not saying I did, but I certainly do hope so. They say 'follow your heart' and that's exactly what I did. You can't fight the only thing keeping you alive right?

I shove a hand full of popcorn in my mouth. I take a sip of my cola drink and lay back.

"Last week Cameron came to my place and he told me he was deeply sorry and he wanted to change" I wait for Liam to reply and I could tell he was slightly pissed. Again, couldn't blame him.

"So you just..forgave him right there?" He frowns. I feel like slapping myself silly at this point. Him questioning my decision makes me question the whole thing again too and I didn't like that because I had already told him I'd give him another chance...

But I just knew I made the right choice. If I didn't feel right about it, I certainly wouldn't have given him that chance.

God I hope he doesn't blow it.

"Listen,... " I take a deep breath, choosing my words wisely.

"I know that me forgiving him was very fast and almost a stupid thing to do but..a part of me just told me he wasn't lying and that he really did want to change. Maybe he does want to become a new person. Someone who's not a bully. Someone who doesn't slam people in their lockers. Someone that's not got a new girl with him every night. Liam, what if Cameron really wants to prove to me he can reform himself into a better human?" He sits in silence indicating for me to carry on.

"I understand you may think that he didn't deserve my forgiveness but my heart just told me I was making the right decision. I'm just trying to see if he will actually take this opportunity to show me he's a good person or not. This chance I'm giving him is just going to determine who he really is. If he was just lying and playing some silly prank on me. It's fine. I can move on and never speak to him again. If he was telling me the truth and proves to me he is a good human being with good morals and integrity, I will be happy with my decision. I will never give up on hope. Forgiving should be endless and even though I did it after him doing so many cruel things to me, God will be proud of me. It took a lot inside of me for to let him have this chance. I'm a strong person for doing that. Someone who's weak, would have easily and straight up said no. But me? Liam... I listened to him and for a second in his eyes, I saw a glimpse of regret, emotion and guilt. And that is not something I will doubt or say no to" I let it out. That was the positive side of me talking and I was happy with every damn word.

I could tell Liam was almost stomped as I was. For I second I could see his tense muscles relax which in all honesty I was relieved about. I hope he will support me with this one and understand where I'm coming from.

BAD BOY BULLY (Completed) | MIKEYISANGELICWhere stories live. Discover now