Chapter 33: Perfect Plans

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Leela's Pov

Alright I'm getting out of here" I say standing up from the very uncomfortable floor.

I have to go home because first of all people are giving me the dirties, and I can't stay with Cameron here.

"Where are you going?" Cameron asks, also getting up from the floor

"Home" I say blankly.

"Why? What about the party?" He asks. Is he crazy?

"What party huh? Why would I wanna be somewhere, where your slut of a girlfriend is?" I defend my face going blood red. I walk away from Cameron angrily.

"Are you really gonna let her do that?" He asks

"Do what?" I question looking back at him.

"Ruin your party?"

"I just need to freshen up and be alone for a bit, so stop following me"

"Look I'm sorry" Cameron says and I freeze. I turn around slowly and be faced by an upset Cameron.

"Why are you sorry?"

"If I didn't come to your party then she wouldn't have come either" I just stayed quiet waiting for him to carry on.


"It's not your fault. You didn't do anything okay?" I say

"Why didn't you tell me you were going Cheshire?" He asks

I Sigh before answering

"Honestly, I don't know why"

"Don't go" He says



"you what?"

"I lo- I need you to help me with my school work, I'm struggling with my History work and I was hoping that you could tutor me for a bit"

"Look Cameron I'll call you and stuff but maybe you should find someone else to help you" I say and walk away.

I will not stay here after all the sh*t we've been through together.


I come home and straight away run upstairs to get dressed. At that exact time I hear the door open and close and hear someone running upstairs.

I swear if it's Cameron-

"Hey Leela what happened?!" Hannah asks running in my room out of breath at the same time.

"That's Nicole" I say

"That girl you were talking about?" She asks confused and I nod my head.

"Leela, you can't let her ruin your party" She says sitting on the bed next to me.

"Yeh I've heard that before" I say and roll my eyes.

"I'm being serious Leela," She says

"Look it's not only because of her okay? I think I'm just having a bad day so I'm sorry if I've ruined yours but I just can't talk right now Han. I'm going to bed"
I say explain and walk to the bathroom to get changed.

Nothing ever goes right does it?

Cameron's pov

I can't believe I was gonna tell her I love her. What an idiot I am. Imagine I did. In fact don't imagine.

I know I have to tell her one day. Even if she's in love with someone else...
I'm gonna have to make the day special when I tell her.

I really want that day to come soon. Specifically before she leaves to go Cheshire.

I think for a moment until I think I know what I'm going to do.

I need to call Liam and some other people that Leela know's. I've got the f*cking perfect plan.

And it has to work

What do you think his plan is?
Tell me in the comments!

Until next time. Byeee x

BAD BOY BULLY (Completed) | MIKEYISANGELICWhere stories live. Discover now