Chapter 10: Forgiveness?

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This is hard. This is so hard! Cameron is Cameron. He bullies me, he hits me, he calls me names, he hates me. And he think I could just snap my fingers and instantly forgive him just like that? I want to forgive Cameron, but on the other hand I can't just easily forgive him. He has done so much to me these past few yeas. And it's got to a point in my life where I just want to give up one every single thing. After all I do believe that everyone deserves a second chance. I just don't know if Cameron deserves one.

Maybe Liam could give me some advice. Liam is the best. He's always there when I need him and always keeps me happy. He has helped me a lot. Not even my therapist can do that. When my parents died, I thought that I would never be happy again. Not even a slight. But Liam has helped me gain this confidence. A confidence that I never really had.

I scroll through my contacts and tap Liam's name.

Li: "Hey!" I hear Liam boom through the phone

Lee: "Hey Liam!"

Li: "So what's up? How have you been?"

Lee: "I'm fine. It's just...-"

Li: What?

Lee: I'll just say it.."

Li: "Go on"

Lee: "Cameron..apologised" I slowly say waiting for his reaction. 

Li: "What do you mean?"

Lee: "He came round yesterday and explained everything. About how he only bullied me to keep his reputation up and because of Luke and Cameron. He told me everything"

Li: "And you said..?"

Lee: "Well I told him that I'll think about it first, but now I'm not sure I'm doing the right thing, Liam. What do I do?" I ask worriedly.

Li: "Well, honestly I don't think he deserves this after everything he has done to you. Look at how it's affected you. Although it's up to you. Do you think you're doing the right thing by forgiving him? Think about the decision"

Lee: "But I just don't know, Liam"

Li: "How about you give him one chance and, just see how it goes from there. If he in any way blows that one chance, I swear I will beat that asshole up"

Lee: "No Liam. You've done enough with the beatings. Anyway, maybe you're right, I'll see give him just this one chance and take it from there" I finish.

From that one phone call, all I was thinking in my head was,

Does he deserve this chance?


I knocked on Cameron's door waiting for him to open it, standing there awkwardly. I've never stood here. It feels different.

Eventually the door opens breaking my thoughts away.

"Hey Luke- wait Leela?" Cameron says looking at me confused.

"Hey" I say waving at him.

"I wasn't expecting you here" He slightly smiles at me.

"Yeh I know, it's just, I gotta talk to you about something" I say.

"Ok about what?" He asks folding his arm showing of his toned muscular arms. I stare for a few seconds before mentally face palming myself.

I take deep breath before answering his question.

"Now listen carefully to me okay. I am giving you this one. Just one chance to prove to me that you can change. At least change for me. To show me that after all this you are still a good person inside like before. To prove that you can be a good person" I say making myself as clear as possible.

BAD BOY BULLY (Completed) | MIKEYISANGELICWhere stories live. Discover now