Chapter 37: Suprises

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Leela'a pov

After everything we finally step into the house and I instantly pass out on the sofa. I didn't sleep that well last night which is probably why I was really tired.

About 1 hour later Hannah sent me upstairs to get ready and to get into the dress to see how I looked in it. To be honest she was more excited about the dress than I was.

The dress was a white crop top with a matching skirt that would go up to my knees. I wore some matching accessories with the dress and a little bit of makeup with a matte brown/ nude lipstick.

"Leela are you- wow you look amazing. That dress fits perfectly on you." She says smiling down at me. It literally feels like she's my mother. She cares so much for me and I love her for that.

"Thank you Hannah. You look very pretty too" I compliment back.

"Cameron's going to- " she stops, realising what she had said.

"Cameron's coming too?" I question.

" just slipped out by accident anyway let's go, we don't want to keep them waiting" She says quickly then walks out the room.

I apply a bit more lipstick and then take one last look at myself before walking downstairs to see Hannah with her keys in her hands.

"Ready?"She asks


We suddenly hear Hannah's phone ring as we are walking out the door.

"Hold on a sec" She says and places the phone on her ear.

"Yeh we're coming. 5 minutes?! Okay we're coming now!" She says.

"What's wrong?" She quickly grabs me by the arm and drags me out of the house and into the car.

We get in the car and I put on my seatbelt, still wondering why we were in such a rush.

"Why are we in such a rush Han?" I ask and she ignores me.

"Fine then" I slump back in my seat and look out the window, looking at the beautiful trees.


"Ok we're here" She says.

I look outside to see that we're not in a restaurant at all to meet her friends. Instead we were in some huge centre that I could tell that there were a lot of people in.

"Um...why are we here? You said we're going to get lunch with your friends" I ask and she smirks then chuckles.

"Just get out the car Lee"

"But- but" She just ignores me and gets out the car making me huff at annoyance. I just listen and get out the car.

"Follow me inside Lee and close your eyes" She says and I obey. I guess I'll just listen to her since she wasn't going to give me information about what the hell was going on right now.

We walk in and it's totally quiet making me a little creeped out.


Oooooh what do you think it is!? Make sure to comment what you guys are thinking right now. I think I made it quite obvious but eh. It's fanFICTION! Haha make sure to read 38 next.

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